anything you carry ill pay for

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"what's up guys!? it's colby brock. before we start today's video, there is some new limited edition merch on my website that you should go check out." colby announced to open his video.

"today, i am here with my beautiful girlfriend, adelaide." he said, panning the camera over to me.

"hi guys!" i grinned to the camera.

"so today we're going to be playing 'whatever you can carry, i'll buy.' so i'm going to let adelaide go first. so we're going to each flip a coin and if it lands on heads, you get to pick the store and if it lands on tales, the other person picks your store."

we flipped the coin and i got heads and he got tales so i got to pick both of our stores.

"so what will your store be, baby?" he asked me, putting the camera on my face.

"my store will beeeee target." i told him.

"and what will my store be?" he asked.

"i'm gonna be nice and not give you the dollar store... so you can have walmart." i told him.

"alright. do you wanna go first?" he asked.

"no, you can." i told him.

"you sure?" he asked. i nodded, thinking i could steal his tactics or something.


we just got to walmart and colby immediately went to the back of the store, in the tech section.

"okay so we have like no phone chargers at our apartment so i'll grab three of those." he said. i had been meaning to buy a few extra charges anyways so i was fine with it.

"i've always wanted to get a polaroid camera." he laughed, picking up the white one.

"colby i have a polaroid camera. you can just use mine." i laughed.

"too bad i already picked it up. and we'll get 8 boxes of film." he announced. my bank account is going to be hurting after this video.

"and now we shall go to the pet stuff." he announced, walking that way. "okay so we'll get this llama toy for twyla and the sloth toy for winston." he said.

"oh, you know what. i've been wanting a blender for a while now." he told me.

"you're going to make me go broke." i joked.

we walked to the kitchen section and the first thing he grabbed was a set of pots and pans.

"howre you going to get the blender now?" i asked him. he was clearly struggling now.

"oh i'll manage." he said... and he did.

he picked it up and decided that it was enough for him so we went to the check out.

i gave colby my card as i went to get a cart so we didn't have to carry everything.

i came back and the transaction was done so he had the receipt.

"i'll tell you the total outside." he informed me.

"how much damage did you do?" i asked him when we got out to the car.

"take a guess." he said.

"i'll go for $400."

"lower." he responded.

"375?" i asked.


"okay that's not as bad as i thought it would be." i laughed. i expected more in the $400-$500 range.

"my turn!" i said. we got in the car and drove to the nearest target.


"okay so i'm thinking that i'll get a trash can first." i said.

"that's cheating!" he said.

"kat did it. don't you watch your best friends youtube channel?" i laughed.

i got the giant trash can and carried it to the makeup first.

"okay so there's nothing too interesting in this area so i'm just gonna grab a few pairs of fake eyelashes and some glue and then we'll move on." i said.

"there's this one thing i have in mind that i think you might get but i really hope you don't." colby said with a little laugh. i knew what he was talking about and i had the full intent of getting it.

"we'll see." i replied with a little grin.

"oh god. who's idea was this challenge?" he asked.

"i'm pretty sure it was yours, dummy." i laughed.

we went to the clothing area and picking out a few shirts and a pair of jeans. then we went to the jewelry.

"oh my gosh! tara, kat, devyn and i were all looking at these last time we were here. i'm going to get each of us one." i told him.

"awh that's so sweet of you." he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "they're only $16 each!"

"let's go to the records." i said, ignoring his last comment.

"oh great." he sighed with a slight laugh.

"ooo i want this one for sure." i said as i put in sweetener by ariana grande.

"ooh and these ones." i replied, putting in fine line by harry styles, queens greatest hits and WWAFAWDWG by billie eyelash.

"hey, hey, hey. you already have that one." he said, motioning to the fine line record.

"i know... but tara doesn't." i laughed. "i'll pick on for you too. how about mac miller? we both like this album." i said.

"whatever you want, babe." he said, faking an angry voice. i picked it up and realized golden hour by kasey musgraves was behind it so i also grabbed that.

"ooo i want to get a nintendo switch!" i announced, heading that way.

i had to ask a worker to unlock the switch case and he got one out for me, putting it in my trash can.

"you probably look like such a dick for not helping your girlfriend carry this."
i laughed.

"oh great, i'm spending all of this money and looking like a douche. cool." he laughed.

i picked up a $100 switch gift card and threw it in.

"colby, dont put this in but if there's anything you don't want to buy in here or if i do too much, just let me know and i'll put it back and we can cut it out." i told him, feeling bad.

"it's okay, babe. i want to do the video for real. so you pick whatever you want." he told me, leaning across the bin to kiss me.

i nodded and went to the kitchen area to get the very last thing.

"ugh, i knew you were going to get it." colby laughed as i picked up the kitchen aid mixer.

"i've wanted one of these since we moved in together!" i told him.

"well there you go then. i was going to get you one at christmas time." colby laughed.

"well, you can just wrap it for me and i'll act surprised." i laughed.

"okay, sounds good." he said, shooting me a smile.

i managed to make it to the check out and the total came out to $812.82

i felt really bad about it but colby kept reassuring me that we wouldn't have done the challenge if either one of us couldn't afford it.

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