"okay guys. so we are waiting for the katrina stuart." i started the vlog.
"the katrina stuart official." tara corrected, making me laugh.
we were waiting outside of kats apartment building since we wanted to throw our boyfriends a welcome home party in colbys apartment.
"hey!" i said when kat approached taras car.
"hey! how do i get in?" kat asked, trying to open the car door.
"oh." tara laughed, unlocking the door.
"our boyfriends have been gone for four days." tara started.
"we miss them very much." kat said to the camera.
"do we?" i asked, jokingly, making all of us laugh.
"so we want to throw them a welcome home party... from their four day trip." tara said.
"is that excessive?" kat asked.
"maybe." tara and i answered at the same time.
"but it's okay cause we're doing it because we want to." tara said.
"because we're good girlfriends." kat said.
"yeah. we're really great girlfriends." i laughed.
"do we sound passive?" tara asked, making kat and i crack up.
"i think what we're gonna do first is go get some decorations." i said.
"because no party is good without decor." tara said.
"deck-or?" kat said, making us all laugh again.
"and then we have to get a big sign." tara said.
"or make a big sign." kat suggested.
"and maybe balloons." i said.
"if we get balloons, we'll need an air pump cause i cannot blow those up." kat said.
"you can't blow up balloons?" tara asked.
"not if there's like a lot." kat responded.
"oh my gosh." tara laughed, rolling her eyes.
"you're so weak." i told her, making us all laugh
"okay so we're going to go get shopping because the boys get here in... t- minus two hours." tara said.
"really?" kat asked.
"yeah... cause they get here at 3 right?" i asked.
"it's 12:47" tara said making kat gasp.
we filmed a little montage in the dollar store because we were short on time. we even got balloons there so kats weak lungs didn't have to blow them up.
we struggled for a good ten minutes to get the balloons into taras little car but we eventually did it.
we then went to starbucks due to all of us being hot and thirsty.
"okay so that's one pink drink with extra coconut milk, one with no ice and one with extra coconut milk and no ice, right?" the starbucks lady asked tara.
"yes ma'am." tara laughed.
"that'll be $13.35."
"smanks." tara said, pulling up further.
"the only thing we've done in the past three days is hang out with each other. not that that's unusual but like our boyfriends have been gone." i laughed to the vlog.
"alright so after waiting like thirty minutes at the gate, a nice lady let us in. so now we're in colbys really messy apartment. which i don't know how we're supposed to decorate thing place when it looks like this." i said to the vlog.
"it's gross. colby you're gross." tara laughed.
"so i guess i'll start cleaning and you two can start decorating?" i suggested.
"we could write stan, jek and dolby." i heard kat and tara arguing over what to write as i folded colbys laundry.
the girls took over the decorating and the vlog as i tried to make colbys apartment as clean as possible in the little time we had.
i was still cleaning when tara and kat started blowing up more balloons. i don't know how colby managed to let his apartment get this messy.
"this is the lamest welcome home party ever buttttt at least they're getting one." tara joked.
"colby can take his own damn trash out. i'm over cleaning." i laughed, sitting at the counter.
his apartment was actually completely clean asides from the trash he failed to take out.
"so i texted colby that kat and tara are at his apartment with me because he does know i'm here 'waiting' for him. soooo we're hoping that sam and jake just come up with him so we can surprise them all." i told the vlog, taking my camera from tara.
"soooo jake just texted tara that they're ten minutes away so we're just going to stand here and wait for them to come in." kat told the camera.
"surprise!!!!" the three of us yelled when the boys opened the door.
"stan, jek and dolby?" jake asked.
"heyyyyyy!" sam said, clapping.
"you guys. this is so cute." colby said, hugging me.
"wow." jake said.
"it is." sam agreed.
"wow, this is amazing." jake said after sam stepped on a balloon.
"this is your party!" tara said.
"where's the music?" sam asked.
"it's copyrighted." i laughed.
"dang i thought i was going to come home and you would've just cleaned my house." colby said.
"she did! and then we decorated." kat said.
the boys were appreciative but then they started making jokes about our party. we were all laughing about it.
i closed out the video and then the 6 of us just hung out at colbys apartment for a bit.