ceos daughter II

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"morning, miss. nolan." lana smiled to me when i walked in.

"morning, lana, jess." i smiled to the two receptionists.

"hey." jess smiled. "your dad isn't working today... can we help you with anything?" she asked.

"nope. just picking up some papers." i lied with a smile. i was really only here to see colby.

i got into the elevator, going up to the floor below my dads office. there are four presidents of the company, each working in a different category. all of their offices are on the floor right below my dads office.

getting off of the elevator, i spotted the sign that said colby brock on it, gently knocking on the opened door.

"come in." i heard his voice say. i walked in, noticing brittany next to his desk.

"morning, colby." i smiled to him, completely ignoring brittany.

"good morning, ayla." he shot me a smile. "you can go, brittany. please get ayla a coffee." he requested.

"sure." she rolled her eyes, walking away, glaring at me.

"ah, she's such a delight." i said, rolling my eyes as i sat down.

"awh, dont get jealous, ayls. you're the only girl in the office that i'd make out with." he joked.

"as it should be." i laughed. he had texted me in the morning, asking me if i would come in to see him.

"i wanted to know if you'd like to join me for lunch today." he told me with a slight smirk.

"of course." i smiled. i should've known better then to start getting attatched... he's most likely only talking to me because he wants to mess around with, but i'm a young idiot so i didn't care.

"great." he smiled. "i'll be ready to go in about half an hour... feel free to wait over there." he told me, pointing to the little couch in his office. i kicked my legs up onto the couch, opening my phone. i texted a few people back, not paying much attention to anything else.

"ayla, your coffee." brittany said, handing me a hot coffee.

"you know i like my coffee iced. we've been over this. get me a new one." i requested. i normally wasn't a bitch but brittany just hit a nerve.

"colby, tell her she's being ridiculous." brittany pouted.

"you heard her, she likes her coffee iced. you do work for her father, don't you?" colby lightly sassed her. she pouted slightly and walked back out.

"i can't believe you just did that." i let out a laugh.

"did what?" he asked, looking up from his papers.

"sassed off to brittany." i replied, looking down at my phone.

"no ones going to talk to my girl like that." he said, looking back to his paper. my girl. i didn't think he wanted anything more than hooking up, but that made it seem like maybe he did.

"i'll be back. i'm running to my dads office to get a file for him... to make it seem like i came here for a real reason." i laughed, walking out of the office.

hailey had tried to call me while i was talking to colby so i called her back as soon as i got out of the room.

"bitch, you didn't answer." she said when she answered the call.

"i'm sorry." i laughed. "i was talking to colby."

"ooo what's happening with that?" she asked me.

"nothing will happen. he's 10 years older than me." i told her.

"i don't believe that for a minute." she laughed.

"he is really cute... but i think he just wants someone to mess around with. he defended me to brittany today." i told her.

"no way?! he's a keeper." she laughed.

"okay, i'm about to go back into his office. i love you, bye."

"stay safe! love you back." she responded, ending the call, walking back into colbys office, noticing an iced coffee on his desk.


"this is your car?" i asked, looking at the beautiful car that the vallet just pulled up to the front of the building.

"it is. this ones name is greta." he laughed. it was a 1956 red chevy bel air. it was amazing.

"i love it." i smiled, running my hand over the hood slightly. "i have a thing for cars." i laughed.

"i'm sure you have quite the collection." he laughed. "do you wanna drive?" he asked, throwing me the keys.

"of course!" i smiled, sitting in the drivers seat of his car.


"what are you still doing here?" brittany asked me, walking into colbys office.

"i'm sorry, my dad owns the building. i can be wherever i want." i let out a breath. "and colby doesn't mind." i said.

"i highly doubt that, huh colby?" she asked him.

"that's mr. brock to you. i quite like the company. you're excused." he said, waving her off. her mouth gaped and she walked out of the office, looking pissed.

"you're my favorite person." i laughed.

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