Script 1: Guardian

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"Once upon a time, a boy was born unto the earth. He grew up troubled, living in a bad society that would constantly put him down and shun him," explained the teacher with a book in his hands, "He did nothing wrong, but it felt like the whole world was against him. That was when his guardian angel came forth and brought him a gift in order to have a better lifestyle. Other guardian angels saw this and were intrigued upon these little gifts, and soon began the spread of the Choosing, where children would receive a guardian that would be by their side, watching the children use these new gifts they have received."

The class were looking at the back of the room from time to time, casually making glances at the student in the back. They were staring at him, Juzira Tonijo.

His school uniform was unbuttoned to show his shirt inside. He leaned in his chair in a comfortable position as he stared straight at the board despite the people looking at him. His cap would usually prevent people from seeing his eyes, but at about this time, he intentionally showed them to make sure everyone could tell he didn't care for their stares.

Everyone knows it. Juzira was a Horyo, or a person who possesses a guardian.

Juzira glanced behind him to find the Guardian Demon staring straight at him like he always did. The guardian was draped in red cloaks, his skeletal body only appearing slightly. One could try to describe the upper body of the guardian, but it was always shadowed out, the only thing visible being the glowing red eyes.

Only Juzira and other Horyo could see this guardian, but everyone knew that it always was beside him. Tales and folklore as well as historical references have proven the existence of guardians. Those who have been sent to bring gifts and those sent in order to have fun and view how human nature interacts with god-like gifts.

For the entire class, Juzira was silently shunned. Silver Leaf High School was like that, just like any other schools, who knew what kind of destructive potential these students with Guardian Demons would've caused.

There were many rules to the guardians to make sure they wouldn't abuse their power. For one, they couldn't interfere with the world. They could obey orders from their Horyo, like fetching an apple, but not too much like robbing a bank. These guardians couldn't attack for their Horyo either, for the Horyo only has access to the abilities that the guardian possesses. Everything the Horyo does is their own responsibility.

Police forces have revolved around trying to stop rogue Horyo that have used their gifts for evil, using guardians of their own as well. It is a world that revolves around guardians, and bent around the people who possess one.


Juzira sat by the tree, eating his lunch there since no one would provide him a seat at the tables. He chewed his sandwich, peeling off the crusts since he didn't like the rough edges.

"Toni!" smiled a girl in front of him, holding a lunch tray, "Eating crustless sandwiches again?"

The person who stood before him was Julie Exodus. She wore a red skirt and green flannel, matching the green hair that was up to her neck. She's also the only friend of Juzira, mainly because she didn't care if he was a Horyo. She admired Horyo and wanted to find out more about them, but she couldn't find any until Juzira was transferred to Silver Leaf. She gets along with everyone pretty well due to her optimistic personality and willingness to participate in events.

"Huh?" Juzira asked before realizing who he was talking to, "Is it weird to eat crustless bread?"

"Just a bit," smiled Julie as she sat beside Juzira, "Where did you say where you were from again?"

"Neo Florida," replied Juzira, "My parents sent me here in Tokeo because it's where they grew up and were schooled in though. I'm still having a little trouble with the customs."

"Just try your best, you don't have to get used to it all at once. Are people still shunning you?"

"I think it's improving. They're beginning to look at me now."

"That's always good! Ah.. what are you doing?"

Juzira stared at Julie as he tried to eat his soup with a fork.

"You're supposed to eat soup with a spoon.." mumbled Julie.

"What's a spoon..?"

"This guy.." thought Julie, "He really doesn't know much about anything. What did his parents do to him his entire childhood..?"

Julie held her spoon and scooped up Juzira's soup, demonstrating the capabilities of the tool.

"See?" explained Julie, "The spoon takes up much more of the soup so you could eat it more efficiently."

"Truly amazing.." said Juzira in awe, inspecting the spoon.

"Say, Toni," asked Julie, "Have you found out your guardian's name yet? Or what gift that he gave you?"

"I haven't yet," answered Juzira as he slowly lifted his soup-filled spoon up to his mouth, "I'm beginning to think that my guardian demon's just here to look at me all creepily."

"I'm sure you'll find it out someday," Julie said as she flashed a thumbs up, "Be sure to tell me whenever you do. I strive to be a guardian scientist and find out all about them and why they happen!"

Juzira nodded his head, but he had no clue what she was talking about. He then turned to his guardian demon, who was still staring at him with those glowing red eyes of his. It never spoke a word ever since that day.


Juzira walked home from school, holding his bag over his shoulder. As he passed by an alleyway, he noticed a man getting mugged. In this world, it was common to get robbed because of the focus of guardians. As Juzira stared at the man shakily handing over his cash to the man with a knife, he couldn't help but to interfere.

He stepped into the alleyway, staring at the mugger with cold eyes.

My Guardian Angel wants me to Kill People!Where stories live. Discover now