Script 30: Forced Fight

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Days have passed.

"I can't let you go," said Kat in a menacing tone from the top of the balcony, "You've taken down my gang members and you'll pay for that."

"They attacked us first," mumbled Kirima, holding an assault rifle, Yokai Goober shaking his head from behind him, "How was I supposed to know..?"

"You didn't have to kill them," teared up Kat as she just witnessed her gang members being gunned down.

All of them laid down dead on the floor, even Mo. Kirima had shot them all in panic when they all jumped at the two trespassing the base.

"It's a good thing I didn't bring Chorudo.. He'd be pissed by these actions," said Juzira calmly before looking at Kat, "This should show you that we're serious. We know this is the base of the Red Raiders Gang. You're the Horyo with the dangerous Guardian Demon that we've been trying to find."

"Lightness, darkness, and everything in between, feast your eyes on what's about to be seen," glared Kat in anger, wiping away her tears, "I call out, Devil's Advocate."

"I'm responsible for everything, yet I'm responsible for nothing!" announced Juzira, quickly reacting, "I call out, King Nothing!"

"I don't know who you people are, bursting into this place, killing my gang members," cried Kat, "You told me all about this dangerous Guardian Demon, and I know now what I must do. To achieve your goals, I must kill you both!"

"To achieve our goals...?" thought Juzira, confused about the sentence Kat uttered, "What does she mean?"

"We can tell that you know who the real Horyo is just from that sentence," yelled Kirima nervously, his confidence boosted by Yokai Goober's 'words of motivation,' "Just tell us already!"

"Cooperation isn't an option," glared Kat as she pulled out a pistol, "The only time I'd thought I'd have to use a gun.

Drop dead, you filthy murderers."

Kirima and Juzira's vision both began to fade to black. This was dangerous.

"Kirima!" yelled Juzira, "Hurry and find a way to protect yourself!"



Juzira heard Kirima scream, possibly from getting shot by the pistol. He knew that Kirima hadn't reacted quickly enough, and had possibly gotten shot by the pistol. His clone must've been shot too. The worst part was that Juzira was completely blinded, even during the second timeline, so he couldn't see at all.

"Open your arms, Juzira!" yelled Yokai Goober faintly.

Juzira did as he was told, having no other choice. Something landed in his hands, and he began to fiddle with it cluelessly. He suddenly found out that what he was holding was a flashlight, possibly from Yokai Goober's gift! He turned it on, but nothing changed for Juzira's vision. It was truly dark.

"Are you giving up?" asked Juzira, as if he was being controlled by King Nothing, "A truly terrifying ability. However, you control the manipulation of timelines. Overcome this small obstacle through the sound of silence."

With his vision impaired, Juzira had to rely on his ears. He began to flicker the flashlight on and off, giving him a sense of location in this abandoned factory. The sound waves from the flashlight would bounce off from the objects in the factory, returning to Juzira's ear to determine how far they would be from. Known usually as echolocation, Juzira barely had any knowledge of this, but it was faintly working.

Slowly but surely, Juzira walked up the steps of the balcony, flicking the flashlight on and off. Once he reached the top, he knew that Kat was right beside him. This was the development of Juzira's skills. He had no idea that he had these skills, but it was as if he had picked up these skills from a past life.


Kat quickly turned beside her to find Juzira, "How did you—"

Juzira immediately punched Kat at the sound of her voice, hearing her stumble onto the floor of the balcony. He threw himself onto the floor, punching Kat's body until she couldn't take it anymore. Finally, Juzira's vision was restored. He immediately looked at Kirima to find out if he was okay. He saw that Yokai Goober was treating his bullet sound in the stomach.

"You had a clear shot of Kirima's head," asked Juzira, confused as he stood up, "Why didn't you try to kill him instantly?"

"I could tell that he was panicking, and as nervous," panted Kat as she slowly stood up, taking a break from the beatings, "You were the one who was the most dangerous. You didn't even care about the deaths of my gang members. You're a monster!"

"We came here for information!" replied Juzira in frustration, "I'm sparing you, so tell us!"

"How ironic, huh?" glared Kat as she stepped forward, "You—"


Kirima and Juzira's eyes widened. Juzira tried to catch Kat, but slipped himself and fell to the balcony floor. On the other hand, Kat was just in the right position to fall off of the balcony, flying down to the ground of the factory. There, she landed on her neck, breaking it because of the extra friction of the ground.

Kirima vomited at the sight of her neck snapped, "Did she just kill herself? Or did you kill her?"

"Th-that wasn't me..!" exclaimed Juzira, who could get up from the balcony, out of his calm nature for once, "Th-that looked like an accident.. but this balcony should be far from slippery!"

"Something is going wrong.." whispered Kirima as he wiped the vomit from his mouth, "We have to tell everyone!"

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