Script 19: Preparation

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Chorudo lowered his book to look at the mongrels bowing to him. Juzira, Diama, Dante, Kirima, and Motza were on their knees, heads touching the ground.

"What're you idiots up to?" asked Chorudo.

"We're asking you..." yelled Juzira, "To temporarily wipe our memories on anything Horyo related!"

"We've heard from Julie that she went to you for some reason to help out with Somajo Benkei's interrogation!" yelled Diama, "So we figured that you erased her memory temporarily to bypass the lie detector test!"

"Um.. sorry," mumbled Kirima, "I have no idea why I'm bowing down to this random person.. I don't even know who Somajo Benkei is.."

Dante stood up, "Somajo Benkei is one of the few police officers that are a Horyo. This means that he uses his gift on the field to take on investigations. Apparently, rumor has it that his gift allows him to detect any lie!"

"So why are you guys asking this stranger to help you out?"

"Don't call me a stranger," grumbled Chorudo.

"You see, Kirima," explained Juzira, "Benkei has come to Silver Leaf High School because of the smiling clown incidents. If we're ever involved, we could all end up in the slammer!"

"Wait.. the smiling clown incidents?" asked Dante, "I don't know a shit about that."

"Neither," mumbled Diama.

Dante and Diama stood up and left the library.

"Those bastards!" thought Juzira, "I can't believe they left me here alongside this Motza guy! What were they even trying to erase in the first place?"

Juzira slowly turned to Motza, who had fallen asleep on the floor as he bowed, "This guy is hopeless..."

"So.." said Chorudo, closing his book, "You want me to use No Thinking to temporarily erase your memories on the incident?"

"If you will!" yelled Juzira as he bowed down, alongside Kirima and the sleeping Motza.

"Sorry, I kinda hate you," mumbled Chorudo as he opened up his book again, "Come back never."

"If you refuse," mumbled Juzira, "I will expose your guardian gift and make you a fraud, destroying your reputation."

"You seriously putting up a fight with me, dumbass?" glared Chorudo as he lowered his book, "You do know that my No Thinking can just erase your memories on this idea or of our meeting anytime, correct?"

"And you should be aware that King Nothing works best close range," glared Juzira.

Chorudo and Juzira locked eyes with each other in a menacing glare, staring each other down in intense hatred. They were almost complete opposites, and they had a heated rivalry.

"You're a goddamn nuisance," mumbled Chorudo, "Roping me in something that I shouldn't even have to do."

Juzira and Kirima looked in joy as No Thinking emerged from Chorudo, transforming instantly into a watch. Chorudo swiped the minute-hand, selecting Juzira, Kirima, and Motza, who was still asleep. Personal information: This person has never been involved, or has any memory recalling the smiling clown incidents. This person will bypass any lie detectors regarding this topic.

"There.." mumbled Chorudo as he opened his book once again, "You three are cleansed from the smiling clown incident."

"The smiling clown incident...?" asked Kirima, scratching his head.

"Yeah, the hell are you talking about, Chorudo?" asked Juzira in clear confusion.

"Just get out of my sight, you idiots," mumbled Chorudo in anger.

Juzira and Kirima hesitantly stood up and began to walk out of the door.

"Take your friend too, damn it!" yelled Chorudo.

"Friend..?" asked Kirima and Juzira with disgusted faces, looking at the sleeping Motza, "Our standards aren't that low.."

Chorudo merely stood up and sat in another chair, away from Motza.

"So.. why'd you even go to Chorudo in the first place?" asked Julie, drinking her orange juice.

"Beats me," mumbled Juzira, eating his soup with a fork, "I totally hate the guy. He's a dick who thinks he's so cool just because he's made his own popularity."

"Did something happen between you two?" asked Kirima politely as he tried to imitate Juzira on eating his soup with a fork.

"Nothing much," answered Juzira, "It's not like he sent me to the hospital, where I proceeded to have tons of back pain from a locker falling on top of me. Diama was in assistance with that too. Seriously hate the people in this school.."

"You should lighten up Juzira," smiled Julie, "After all, interrogations are next period. You wouldn't want to look suspicious or anything in the smiling clown incidents. They're being seriously strict about it! Even brought in this one police officer who can apparently detect lies!"

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing how far Guardians and Horyo have come in society," mumbled Juzira, finishing his soup, "I wonder how they overcome the differences between them and others."

Amazed at how fast Juzira could finish his soup with a fork, Kirima was determined to finish his own meal with the exact same method. He first ate the meat by stabbing them with the fork, but for the broth itself, it was almost impossible to scoop it all up with the fork. Kirima tried his best to use the fork to quickly put the broth inside his mouth. Soon, Juzira noticed.

"You doing alright, Kirima?" asked Juzira.

"Uh.. how were you able to finish your soup fast with a fork?" asked Kirima.

"Oh.. I just tip the bowl over and act like drinking I'm drinking a cup," replied Juzira.

Kirima stared at Juzira with a blank face, realizing that he had wasted his lunchtime trying to eat soup with a fork.

"You have fallen so far from glory, Kirima.." mumbled Yokai Goober, shaking his head.

Soon, it was finally time for the interrogations. The four members of the incident were prepared for the interrogation that awaited them.

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