Script 4: Newsletter

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Juzira walked down the hallways of Silver Leaf High School, but stopped and looked at the wall. It was a bulletin board displaying all of the events in the school going on. These events consisted of sports, competitions, achievements for students in schools, as well as other related things.

"Toni!" yelled Julie, bumping into him, "You looking at the bulletin board?"

"Yes, I was pretty interested in the.." mumbled Juzira, trying to think of an excuse that would stray away from what he was initially looking at.

"No need to hide it, Toni," smiled Julie, pointing at the newsletter, "You were looking at this right? Everyone seems to be talking about it."

Another Incident of the Fabled Smiling Clown!

We have received yet another eyewitness of the smiling clown right here in our very own Silver Lead High School alleyways! A group of kids, whose names should not be mentioned, were diligently working on their homework in the back of the school, when the Smiling Clown has approached them with that creepy stare of his! Frightened, they took off running! We have yet to find any evidence of this being true, so we advise everyone to carry a camera with them in order to snap a picture and hopefully obtain a reward! We...

Before Juzira could read anymore, Allison tore the newsletter down from the bulletin board and crumpled it up, throwing it in the trash. Juzira and Julie looked at her in confusion.

"I swear, the newspaper club should be making articles on factual information, not things like these!" complained Allison as she folded her arms, "All it does is cause paranoia around this school. And Julie, I told you to stop hanging out with that guy!"

"Uh- He really isn't doing any harm, I promise!" Julie chuckles nervously, waving her hands in the air, "He's harmless!"

"He has a guardian demon by his side. Who knows what will happen if he finally snaps?"

"Toni isn't like that!" huffed Julie.

"You're way too innocent and pure, Julie.." mumbled Allison as she walked away, "Just stay safe."

"Horyo don't really have the best reputation.." said Juzira.

"Well you did tell everyone that you met a demon when you first introduced yourself," replied Julie, "You should've picked up on it."

"Aren't there any other Horyo in this school?"

"I'd assume so, but they wouldn't blatantly mention it like you did. They'd get shunned just like the things you're experiencing right now."

"So it was a bad idea to talk about it.."

"Gee, you think? You'll be late for your class. I'll meet you at lunch, Toni. See ya!"

Juzira waved at Julie as she ran off to her next class. He then went ahead and entered the room. As he entered, he was already catching glances. If he looked at the students who were looking at him, they'd quickly turn away and shun him.

Horyo are usually looked down upon due to their incredible power and the potential of their destruction. Horyo who possess guardian demons have it worse since they aren't just looked down upon socially, but biblically as well. Juzira had to endure through this shunning ever since he entered Silver Leaf High School.

"Now class," smiled the teacher at the front of the board, "Please turn in your homework that was assigned two days ago and we can finally work on the lesson I have for you all."


Juzira walked over to the tree, holding his lunch tray. He noticed that Julie was huddling to herself, eating pudding as she leaned on the tree.

"Hey there, Julie," said Juzira as he sat down on the tree beside her, eyeing on his applesauce.

Before Juzira was going to question Julie about the applesauce, but overheard her sniffling. She had just finished her pudding and was just crouched.

"Is something wrong?" asked Juzira, "You sound like you're crying."

"It's alright.. just a minor thing," replied Julie meekly.

"It doesn't sound minor," replied Juzira, "It helps to talk about it."

"I've flunked my latest quiz again.." mumbled Julie, burying her face in her knees, "I just.. I keep getting things wrong even though I'm positive that they were correct! It's so frustrating!"

Juzira listened to her rant about the whole situation, her breaking down in tears because of the struggles that she had throughout the class and how she didn't understand anything, even when the teacher had explained it to her countless times.

"I know a lot about this," suggested Juzira, "I can help you with it, if you'd like. I'm sure I can find a way to put it in a way to make it understand."

"But I've already went and done it.." sniffled Julie, "I don't know how else I'm gonna being my grade up."

"It's not the end of school yet, so you have lots of time before you can get your grades up. I'll support you with all I can, and I'm sure that together we can bring your grade up by the time school ends."


"I can't really ensure it, but like I said, I'll try."

"Thanks, Toni. I really appreciate it."

"Now I have to ask you, do they really put apples in applesauce?"

Julie looked at Juzira in confusion, "I'm sorry.. what?"

"Applesauce," Juzira said as he looked at Julie seriously, "Is it made out of apples?"

"What is it with you and food?" asked Julie, "Why did your parents feed you? Of course applesauce is made out of apples!"

"That's sounds impossible... apples are hard and crunchy. How are you supposed to make that into something so mushy?"

"They obviously crush it!"

"Why would you want to crush an apple?"

"To make applesauce!!!"

The two seemed to enjoy the rest of their time together by the tree at lunch, with Juzira asking questions about his food and Julie frustratingly fixing his common misconceptions. The shadow by the corner was staring straight at them with envy, but quickly turned away at the corner.

It had better things to do.

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