Script 20: Interrogation

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Motza walked out of the door of the principal's office. He looked to his side to find Juzira sitting in the chair right next to the door.

"Hey, you're up next," said Motza as he beckoned Juzira towards the door, "Good luck in there."

Juzira hesitantly stood up and walked towards the door as Motza went over to his classes. Juzira opened the door and walked in, quickly sitting down on the seat. He looked right in front of him to find Somajo Benkei staring straight at him. He wore a normal police uniform, and had long white hair. What discomforted Juzira was his constant glare that unnerved Juzira and put tension into the room greatly.

"We'll begin our interrogation," glared Benkei as a Guardian emerged from his back, "You are aware that any lying will result in a consequence, correct?"

The guardian angel had a backwards cap, but wore normal robes. It usually tried its best to get along with other Horyo who see it. Personally, Benkei doesn't have any problem with Horyo as long as they don't cause trouble.

"Yes, sir," replied Juzira.

"First, let's start with this," asked Benkei, "What is your name?"

Juzira stated, "My name is Juzira Tonijo."

Juzira felt a sharp shock in his body, jumping from his seat. He was surprised at how powerful and painful the shock was.

"Seeking Truth is my Guardian Angel," explained Benkei, glaring at Juzira in confusion, "If I ask a question and you don't respond quick enough, or you lie, you immediately get shocked. I have no limits to this guardian's gift, but to find the truth and only the truth. I have no idea why you would lie about your name, but I'll ask again. What is your name?"

"Juzira Tonijo!" started Juzira in confusion as well.

Juzira yelled in pain as he was shocked by Seeking Truth. Benkei grew suspicious of Juzira from the moment he got shocked.

"Tell me, boy," mumbled Benkei, "Why are you lying about your name? This is a simple question."

"I have no idea," stuttered Juzira, "I swear I thought that was my name!"

Benkei stared at Juzira for a while, "You're telling the truth that you don't know. Seeking Truth and my gift didn't shock you at all. I'll keep investigating about you, but for now, let's ask the real questions.

Do you know anything about the smiling clown incidents?"

"No sir," stated Juzira.

"Let me trace back," mumbled Benkei, "Are you.. a Horyo?"

"Yes sir," replied Juzira, knowing that he couldn't lie about having a Horyo due to him revealing it to everyone in his class at the beginning of his school year, "I am a Horyo."

"Interesting," said Benkei, "Please show your guardian, and reveal his name and your gift."

As the shadowed demon with glowing red eyes emerged from Juzira's back, Juzira answered the police officer, "My Guardian Demon's name is King Nothing. He gives the gift of erasing timelines."

"A Guardian Demon.." thought Benkei, "With the ability to erase timelines? What a powerful gift.."

"You haven't been messing around with this gift, have you?" asked Benkei.

"No sir," said Juzira, "Throughout all the time I've used King Nothing's gift, it was for self defense."

Juzira was shocked in pain. He was in deep trouble, and confused on what he did with King Nothing that wasn't in self defense.

"Seeking Truth always finds the truth," mumbled Benkei, "Are you sure that you've been only using it for self defense?"

"I swear again!" yelled Juzira, panicking that he was going to get sent to prison, "Ever since I've started this school year, I've been using King Nothing merely for my self defense!"

For some reason, Juzira wasn't shocked by Seeking Truth. Even Benkei was growing in confusion.

"This guy.." thought Benkei, "He's an odd fellow. A few moments ago Seeking atruth shocked him because he wasn't using King Nothing for self-defense. Yet, Seeking Truth didn't shock him this time? What the hell is going on? What is with this boy? Is Seeking Truth broken?"

"I.. look suspicious, don't I?" said Juzira as he began to sweat.

"Very," replied Benkei, "Out of all of the students I have interrogated, you were the only one who hasn't been speaking the truth about your Horyo use and your name. I've interrogated others about their Horyo, and they have confessed their sins. What they've been doing. However, I forgave them because their abuse of gifts have been solved... by you, 'Juzira Tonijo.' Ever since they encountered you, they have stopped in the meddling of their gifts.

I can forgive you for your lies about your name and your Horyo use as well, but it seems like even you are confused about the truth of your self. This is a very interesting case, but it's not a case I'm tasked with working with. Here's my next question:

Have you been involved in the smiling clown incidents, and what have you been doing?"

"I haven't been involved with these smiling clown incidents," answered Juzira again, "And I don't know about them at all."

Seeking Truth shook his head playfully, signifying that Juzira was telling the truth.

"You are free to leave Juzira Tonijo," stated Benkei, "I have concluded that you aren't involved with the smiling clown incidents. However, watch your back. I will be investigating about you. There's something suspicious about you that I can't point."

Juzira quickly stood up and left the office in desperation and panic. Something was wrong with him and his knowledge of himself. What was happening? It was time for him to go to Chorudo and hopefully find out about his true self.

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