Script 27: Bench

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"You.. it's not fair!" yelled Mo as she sat on a bench, "Three on one... That wasn't fair at all!"

"Oh quit it," commented Koneos as he leaned by a tree, "I didn't use my gift to beat you. Also, you had trapped the two of them in some fear reality where they couldn't escape unless an external figure helped them. It's pretty much kicking them while they're down at this point."

"Relax about it," said Juzira as he walked up to Mo, "We just wanna know about your Red Raiders Gang. Who's the leader and all of that?"

"I can't really disagree to this can I?" said Mo hesitantly, "I mean.. it's not like I'm surrounded by three Horyo who could take me down.."

"Not only that," announced Diama, "But with Sitezo Hapotivity, I can sense your emotions. If you lie, I can easily detect the anomaly within your normal emotions and can track it out. So don't try it out."

"Fine.." mumbled Mo in defeat, "What do you guys want to know about?"

"Right now, we need to find out about this dangerous Guardian Demon," explained Juzira, "A person named Maisy is inside the vault of the Guardian Demon, Yokai Goober. That sentence may not have made sense out of context, but you don't need to know much about it. However, there's a reason why Maisy is in this vault. She's hiding and trying to find out the Horyo of this dangerous Guardian Demon, which has the possibility to destroy anyone or anything in its path.

We don't know much, but we do know that this Guardian Demon's Horyo is the leader of a gang. Since the Red Raiders are the only gang near this district other than the Batty Baseball Gang, then it would mean that they hold the Horyo that we need to find. Now.. who's your gang leader? Guardian Demon? Gift?"

"Obviously the leader of my gang wouldn't just reveal their guardian or their gift," explained Mo, "Her name is Kat Rella. She forms the Red Raiders, a gang filled with only female members. I was transferred from schools to schools within this district, but that hasn't stopped me from committing myself to the gang. After all, I wasn't moving from district to district.

Anyways, the Red Raiders only have two Horyo, Kat and I. The entire gang knows this and relies on us to take on the strongest foes. I haven't seen Kat's gift, so I can't really tell what power she possesses. However, I am certain that she has a Guardian Demon, which is your potential target.

Whatever you do, please at least talk to Kat. She's a reasonable person who doesn't need to fight."

"Hmm.." said Juzira, "Kat Rella... Is she by chance related to a person named Motza?"

"Well.. yes. How did you know?"

"I met the guy... he's an odd fellow."

"Motza Rella is Kat's brother. Unlike Kat, Motza doesn't really have a Horyo, so he isn't really involved in the Red Raiders. He attempted to get into the gang once, but even with his skills, he is still of male gender."

"Is there a reason why the Red Raiders are all exclusively female?"

"Yes.. For some reason, Kat doesn't trust any males. She deems them dangerous and doesn't want them near her and the gang she loves. I could easily tell now why she would dislike you all. Pulling down my skirt, offering me a dead flower, and insulting me... you guys are truly scum."

"Yeah, we're assholes," replied Diama pridefully, "But that's just what we are. We don't really need to get involved in this shit. We're just involved because we're in a situation where we could be threatened by power."

"And the safety of our own health is much more preferable than any other person," smiled Koneos, "Even if I have to team up with some unlikely people."

"You guys are sick..." mumbled Mo, standing up, "That's all I have, I'm out."

"Alright, see ya," waved Juzira hazily, "Thanks for the information."

As Juzira, Diama, and Koneos went their separate ways, Koneos was stopped by the tree. From behind the tree was a tall figure, with a familiar uniform. He pulled on the collar of Koneos' uniform before he could leave.

"What's the matter, officer?" asked Koneos with a smile, not turning around.

"You can drop the act, Koneos Zetsu," replied the man, Somajo Benkei, with a glare, "I already know it's you. Your the shadow leader of the Batty Baseball Gang."

"Ah.. I knew I shouldn't have said that aloud so carelessly," smiled Koneos, "You picking a fight with me, Benkei?"

"Quite the opposite," replied Benkei, "I need a strong Horyo to accompany me while I investigate this guardian that Juzira was talking about. I'd ask Juzira, but I don't exactly trust him."

"So you're going for the shadow leader of the Batty Baseball Gang, huh?"

"I know you're not exactly the best candidate, but you're the strongest. Betrayal isn't an option, for your goals align with mine: to protect this city, and quite possible the world from such a dangerous Guardian Demon."

"Hm. Alright, Mr. Benkei, I'll work with you. Juzira and his... acquaintances don't really see this as a serious issue and have been goofing around in school. I might as well work with an actual professional, ya know?"

"Don't get too cocky and be pushy," mumbled Benkei as he left the bench, "Remember our goal."

Koneos smiled, "Yes sir."

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