Script 23: Meanwhile

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Motza got out of a convenience store, chewing a pack of bubblegum that he bought there. As he chewed, he looked directly across the street to find a huge person carrying both Juzira and Chorudo in his arms.

"Hey.." mumbled Motza, "What's happening with those two?"

"Nothing much!" interrupted two Batty Baseball Gang members, surprising Motza and surrounding him, "Don't pay much attention to those two. Hey.. you got some nice gum. Can't you spare a little for us, chum?"

"Uhh.. sorry," mumbled Motza nervously, backing himself into an alleyway, "I'm saving the rest for my girlfriend, Julie."

"Woah," said the other gang member, whose hair was slicked back, "Look at Mr. Popular here! He's already got a girlfriend!"

"Well, she hasn't confirmed it yet," nervously chuckled Motza, "But I'm still asking her.."

"Huh??" said the gang member, "You saying she's your girlfriend, but she ain't even confirm yet? What kind of sick joke is that, huh? You tryna brag that you got better confidence than us when it comes to girls?"

"N-No, that's not what I'm saying," replied Motza nervously as he fell to the ground, with the gang member surrounding him.

"The boss told us to beat up any Horyo that we see," mumbled the other gang member, "But it doesn't mean that we can't beat up normal people that piss us off either."

Motza was punched in the face, making him drop his bubblegum. As the gang member kicked him on the ground, the other one took the pack and shoved it into his pocket.

"Yeah, yeah!" cheered the gang member, "Make him bleed! I want to see him cough up blood or puke! Then we can go after his girlfriend Julie or some shit."

"What the hell.." thought Motza, crying, "All I did was buy a pack of bubblegum. Why is this happening to me? Ever since I met that Juzira guy in the hospital I've been getting into some tough shit! What the hell!? Why is life so unfair?"

That's when a blue shining spirit appeared in front of Motza as he was getting kicked in the stomach. The blue shining spirit was blue and round, smooth with no dirty specks at all. It stared at Motza with curiosity.

"Wh—" thought Motza in confusion, "What.. are you..?"

The blue spirit spoke softly, "You know, if you can only speak my name..."

"What.. your name? I don't even know that—"

Motza was kicked so hard this time that he spat out blood, and began to lose consciousness. That brink moment of unconsciousness had caused him to awaken himself.

"Aye!" laughed the gang members, "I think he's finally bout to die! Better run before the cops come and investigate!"

"No... you won't escape..." mumbled Motza, who was struggling to keep his eyes open, "You can't escape... by the order of the gift given to me... by Marking Slips."

"The hell?" asked the gang member, stopping in his path, "I thought you knocked this guy out."

"You can't escape my divine power, no matter what you do," mumbled Motza as he slowly stood up, a blue spirit emerging from behind his back, "I call out, Marking Slips."

"Whatever, he's injured!" yelled the gang member to the other, "Come on, let's go!"

However, as the two tried to escape the alleyway, they simultaneously fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

"Woah!" grunted the gang member in confusion as Motza loomed over him, "What just happened?"

"Marking Slips manipulates the friction of any object I see," said Motza as he got closer to the gang member, holding his fist out, "I've made the floors so frictionless that you can't get up at all. Slippery, isn't it?

Now.. what did you say about Julie?"

The gang member yelled in pain as Motza repeatedly punched him relentlessly, giving no way for him to breathe. The other gang member on the other hand, reached for his gun.

"This is my last resort," thought the gang member in his head, "But I gotta save him!"

However, the gang member couldn't grab his gun. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't grip it with his hand! There was no friction implemented in the gun enough for him to grab it! The gang member looked up to see Motza above him. He was already finished beating the other guy to certain death.

"I'll take that," smiled Motza as he easily grabbed the gun from the gang member's pocket, pointing it at him, "I've never really killed a guy up until this point. However, you both seriously deserve it for the threats you made against me and my Julie."


Motza knew the gun would have his fingerprints, so he began to use his hand to shimmy the gun back and forth. The amount of friction began to melt the gun, turning it into metal goop on the floor. Motza laughed despite of his serious injuries. He went on forward to the hospital to report of his wounds.

"Marking Slips.." smiled Motza, "I haven't had a Guardian Demon before, but boy, does it make life so much easier!"

Motza turned around and grabbed the pack of bubblegum in the dead gang member's pocket and shoved it into his own. He was planning on giving it to Julie in an effort to possibly woo her.

"Actually..." mumbled Motza as he walked away, "Why stop at bubblegum? What if I have my own gang and power to show her? Then she'll like me! This is the best day of my life!"

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