Script 14: Smile

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Motza opened the door. Nothing was there as operators and nurses carrying patients passed through the hallways.

"Someone must've gotten the wrong room," said Juzira as he returned to the television flicking channels.

Motza closed the door to find a person wearing face paint behind the door! Motza instantly slapped the person down to the ground instinctively.

"Oh shoot!" yelled Motza as he sweated nervously, "Don't scare me like that! What the hell man? Who even are you?"

Interested, Juzira slowly sat up to get a closer look at the person. The boy had a white modern bowl cut that casts a shadow over his eyes that can come off as murderous. He wore the normal school uniform from Silver Leaf High with accessories like his mime-like face paint and choker bow tie.

"Hey," said Juzira, "This guy's from our school."

"Don't recognize him with all that face paint on him," mumbled Motza, inspecting the boy, "Hey, you got a name?"

Suddenly, the boy stood up once again, smiling creepily at the both of them. Motza and Juzira were both unnerved that the boy wasn't answering the question. That's when Juzira noticed a figure coming out of the boy.

It was bald, and had a creepily goofy face. He had on a clown outfit that was incredibly clean and colorful. Despite its appearance, Juzira was off-put by it. He had also noticed that Motza couldn't see it. This was definitely a guardian!

"Hey.." mumbled Motza, finally realizing it after inspecting the boy for a while, "I think I know this guy. He's in one of my classes. Kirima Chakuro, I think."

"Come on, Kirima!" yelled the clown-like guardian, "Don't wuss out now!"

"You think I'm funny, huh? You'll be rolling in your grave when you hear this joke!" announced Kirima, "I call out, Yokai Goober!"

"Shit!" thought Juzira before he announced, "I'm responsible for everything, yet I'm responsible for nothing! I call out, King Nothing!"


Juzira fell out of his bed. Despite being in the first timeline, he was still injured. As he slowly stood up, he had witnessed Kirima unhinging his jaw to pull something out. It looked like a fishing line.. with a hook attached to it.

Kirima then threw the fishing line at Juzira's clone, the line wrapping around his neck and soon, his entire head. He then pulled, gripping onto Juzira's head tightly.

"What the?" yelled the clone in confusion.

"Hey!" said Motza, going over to Juzira to untie the fishing line.

"Have you ever had a balloon pop in a kid's birthday party?" smiled Kirima creepily, "It's so shocking that all the kids will begin to cry!"

Kirima pulled the fishing line with force, cracking the clone's neck and making its head explode from all the pressure of the string. Motza stared in horror, falling down to the ground as he saw Juzira's head gushing out blood.

Juzira didn't have time to bask in his own death. This timeline was going to be erased to nothing anyways. He quickly went over to Kirima and elbowed him in the face. The red figure came out of Kirima and fell to the ground right next to Motza.


"Ugh.." mumbled Kirima, feeling his cheek, "What just..?"

Motza was in total shock, not knowing how or why Juzira was still alive and off the bed. This was an entirely new experience for him.

"Kirima.." mumbled Yokai Goober nervously, "This guy is different from the others. Obviously it's because he's a Horyo. We don't know anything about this kid, so we better get that backup plan and take some hostages."

"Alright," hesitantly agreed Kirima, unhinging his jaw once again and grabbing Motza's leg.

Kirima slowly pulled Motza into his gigantic mouth, swallowing up slowly.

"J-Juzira!" yelled Motza in panic, "Help!"

Juzira tried to catch up to the two, crawling on the floor towards them. He had almost grabbed Motza's hand, but Motza was finally swallowed up by Kirima, shouting in despair.

"Now for the Juzira kid!" commanded Yokai Goober, "Eat him up before he activates his gift again!"

Juzira tried to crawl away from Kirima, and was soon going to be able to activate his gift once again.

Yet something was wrong.

Juzira looked above him to see King Nothin staring at him once again with his glowing red eyes and shadowed upper body.

"Hey.. what's happening..?" asked Juzira in confusion to King Nothing, "Why isn't my gift activating..!?"

It was like King Nothing was preventing Juzira from activating his gift to erase timelines. Motza then grabbed onto Juzira's leg, pulling him in slowly into his mouth. He yelled as he was being sucked into this endless void that could seemingly pull out any item that Kirima desired.

But what was most confusing was King Nothing's betrayal and his prevention of gift activation. Just what was going on?

As Kirima finished swallowing both Juzira and Motza, he looked at his hands once again, his face paint finally washed away from overuse.

"I.. I did it again..!" cried Kirima as his hands began to tremble, "I killed.. yet again..!"

"It was merely self defense, Kirima," smiled Yokai Goober as he assured Kirima that he did nothing wrong, "Merely self defense!"

Kirima didn't feel any better from the assuring words that his Guardian Demon was saying to him. He felt like he wanted to just huddle up and cry. This was a lose-lose situation for both parties.

My Guardian Angel wants me to Kill People!Where stories live. Discover now