Script 10: Bickering

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"Oi!" yelled Diama, coming up from behind Chorudo, "What're you doing here back from the hospital so early?"

"Tsk," mumbled Chorudo, No Thinking appearing from behind him, "No Thinking easily repaired my wounds. Now back off, I don't need some nobody following me around. You've already won the fight, so you might as well just leave me alone."

"And what about Juzira?" asked Diama.

"Didn't need to try to heal him," scoffed Chorudo, "It's not like he's my friend or anything."

Their conversation was interrupted by multiple girls coming up and surrounding Chorudo, pushing Diama out of the way. Despite Chorudo's No Thinking having no effect on them anymore, it seems that they have grown accustomed to its effect. They begged for Chorudo's attention.

"Perfect timing ladies!" smiled Chorudo, "I was just getting bored from walking down such a long hallway! Thank you all for being by my side!"

Diama looked disgusted before Sitezo Hapotivity came from behind his back.

"Envious, Diama?" asked Sitezo Hapotivity, "If you could control your emotions easier, you can have access to such luxury known as popularity!"

"Oh shut it," sneered Diama before waving his hand to activate his gift.

The girls suddenly began to leave Chorudo, covering their face and squirming out of Chorudo's arms. Confused, Chorudo glared at Diama. He had changed the girls' emotions to nervousness and made them leave Chorudo.

"Hey, what gives?" asked Chorudo, No Thinking already forming into a watch, "If you desire to fight again, I would. Not in this setting, but somewhere more discreet."

"A fight, huh?" smirked Diama, "Your words, not mine. I'll take you down before your minute-hand could reach me."


Diama followed Chorudo around the school to a place more discreet where they could duke it out. Diama looked at the scenery, having not taken this route before.

"You sure about this, Diama?" asked Sitezo Hapotivity worriedly, "This Chorudo guy may be trying to trap or ambush us."

"Oh please," replied Chorudo, "I'm not that cowardly. My ability is strong enough that I can face anybody without the reliance of any ambushes."


That's when Chorudo was hit in the head with a soccer ball. He scratched his head in frustration before picking up the ball.

"Hey!" smiled a boy with a blue unzipped jacket, with blue jeans, "Can you pass that soccer ball to us?"

Chorudo threw the ball back at the boy, and continued to walk to the battlefield.


Chorudo was hit in the head with the ball once again. This time, Diama could hear the soccer team snickering. It was clear that this was intentional.

"Oi!" yelled Chorudo in frustration, throwing the ball back at the boys, "Quit it!"

A sudden gust of wind appeared from the trees, blowing the soccer ball back and hitting Chorudo in the face once again, causing him to fall down on the floor. Diama snickered this time.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Chorudo.

For some reason, more wind came and the soccer ball then hit Diama in the face as well, before tumbling back to the boys' soccer field. Chorudo this time burst out laughing.

"Serves you right!" laughed Chorudo, standing up and organizing his flamboyant clothes, "Now, I'm kinda pissed off by these soccer boys. Care to join in, Diama?"

"Oy vey.." mumbled Diama lazily as he stood up, "I don't like being made fun of, but I don't like getting hit by soccer balls either. I might as well help."

"Ready to activate!" smiled No Thinking, transforming into a watch, "New technique: area information!"

Chorudo slid his minute-watch, and instead of pointing towards a single person, he set it to a certain radius. Anyone within this area that the minute-watch slid would get revealed their personal information. However, since it has lots of people, the cool-down for the watch would be vastly larger than normal.

Chorudo was hit again with the soccer ball as the other boys ran away at the order of the head soccer player. This head soccer player was the same boy in a blue jacket.

"Hey, Diama.." said Chorudo, nervously standing up slowly, "Before I got hit.. I got a glimpse of that guy's personal information. I knew something was up.

That guy.. he's a Horyo."

"What?" asked Diama, whispering, "Another Horyo?"

"Dante Lindell. Even worse: He has a Guardian Demon going by the name Wrathacra."

Although there isn't much difference between a Guardian Demon and a Guardian Angel in terms of abilities, Guardian Demons are generally much stronger. This is because, unlike Guardian Angels, Guardian Demons choose people who are strong and interesting, rather than those who need gifts.

Wrathacra has definitely chosen an interesting human, Dante. He is very hyperactive, and gets into lots of trouble. A constant troublemaker that even the Guardian Demon has to keep control is someone not to be messed with.

No Thinking and Sitezo Hapotivity appeared from behind Chorudo and Diama. Dante looked surprised as Wrathacra appeared from behind him as well. Black bloodshot eyes, and a grand black smile. It's hair rose up as spikes and it's body was covered in a void, protruding long black wings coming out of its back.

"You guys have a Guardian too?" smiled Dante excitedly, "This'll be so much fun!"

"This guy is dangerous.." mumbled Chorudo, spinning his minute-hand already.

However, he was constantly stopped by the gust of wind seemingly blowing across the field. It was like the wind was preventing him from using No Thinking!

"Yeah, sorry," smiled Dante, "But you keep grabbing onto that watch of yours. I wouldn't want to take any risks, so I'll prevent it from happening with my gift!"

"This guy won't even let us know his gift.." said Diama, "I know we've both faced Juzira's King Nothing, a Guardian Demon, before... but this guy is really using the full potential of his gift!"

"Don't slip up now, Diama," stated Chorudo, putting up his fists, "This'll be risky, but we both have to take him head on. If something happens, we try our best to run."

"Positivity and happiness are the true ideals, anything else are just stepping stones to its triumph," announced Diama, holding his fists up as well, "I call out, Sitezo Hapotivity!"

"There's no need to think when you've already won the battle!" yelled Chorudo as he glared at Dante, "I call out, No Thinking!"

"You really can't trust anyone or anything, not even the air around you!" smiled Dante with joy, "I call out, Wrathacra!"

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