Chapter 4

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The team searched the area asking people if they saw him, so far there was nobody who saw him. The team was running out of hope until they entered a bakery and their hope came back.

The team was asking around if they have seen this person and one of the workers recognized him claiming to be his sister.

If Jane heard this she wouldn't believe it because Troy has never mentioned a sister before. Her name was Hailey.

The team interviewed her "when's the last time you seen her brother?"

"Just about an hour ago he came in and said hi".

"Anything that seemed odd about him".

"No not really just that he came in here, he never comes in here. I have been trying to get him to visit since I started working here. Is he in sort of trouble".

" someone on his ship was killed and we are just trying to figure out what happened to him and Troy just keeps avoiding us".

"Um have you talked with his girlfriend what was her name um...."

"Jane yeah we did. She can't find him either".

Bishop handed her her card and told her to call if there is any sign of him. She agreed and they left.

Meanwhile back at NCIS headquarters McGee took Jane of a tour around the building.

They ran into Vance "uh hi director".

"McGee and you must be Jane".

"Yeah hi".

"McGee why don't you get back to work and I'll show Jane the rest of the building".

"Ok director and Jane you know where to find me".

"Thanks McGee".

McGee walked off to get back to work and Jane was a little nervous on why the director wanted to show her around but she just couldn't say no.

"Jane how are you liking it here?" Director Vance asked.

"It's going good but I wish it wasn't under these circumstances".

"I agree so how did you find Gibbs".

The question caught her off guard "my mom left me letters and in one of the she left me Gibbs address and told me if I ever needed someone's help then he would be the person to talk to".

"Your mom was right about that".

"Did you know my mom?"

"Not as much as I would like".

"So far McGee and Gibbs are the only ones to have known her awhile".

"McGee and Gibbs have been here a while and for the rest of Gibbs team they are particularly new".

"Yeah McGee told me".

"Bet McGee told you a lot".

"He did but I do have a question about Gibbs?"

"Which is".

"Is he always so serious. I mean does he ever turn off work mode".

"Sometimes and for the seriousness I'm afraid that is just who he is".

"Sounds fun".

Jane was surprised on how much of a good conversation she was having with Vance.

The rest of the team came back to headquarters and filled McGee in in what they found.

"Where's Jane?" Gibbs asked.

"She's with the director taking her on a tour".

"The director giving a tour" Torres chimed in.

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