Chapter 22

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"Guys what's wrong with Gibbs?" Bishop asked.

They all looked up and saw him pacing back and forth.

"Maybe we were right and he just found out Jane is his daughter" Torres said.

"I still think you guys are wrong" McGee said.

Jane and Vance were still sitting in his office trying to process everything as well. Jane remembered there was a not for her and Gibbs. Jane got the note for Gibbs and was going to give it to him.

She walked out of the office "Gibbs this is for you it was in the box" she gave the letter to him and walked away.

Gibbs walked down the stairs and into the interrogation room because he wanted to be alone.

He opened the letter and began to read it.

If you are reading this it means I'm gone and you found out about Jane. It also means she read the letter that told her where this is. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I really wanted to but things just got complicated. I was going to tell you about her but I was waiting for the right time. I think you know when are where it happened. Jane is your daughter and she reminds me so much of you. I don't know how old she is when you are reading this but I'm just glad she found you. I'm sorry for making Mike keep it from you but I wanted to ensure her safety. I know you are probably mad and furious at me but I didn't want anything to happen to her. I'm not asking for much but please look out for her. I'm sorry for all this and i don't care if you hate me but please don't blame it on her. She never knew who her father was until now. Thank you for all you ever done for me and continue to do for everyone else. I hope you don't mind but I gave Jane the middle name of Shelly and I don't think I have to explain that. I hope you are still doing great along with the rest of the team. Please tell Jane stories of us and you and me.

Gibbs just sat there reading it over and over trying to process what he just read. Meanwhile, Vance let Jane have some alone time so she could process everything. Jane decided to read her letter.

Dear my sweet daughter Jane,
If you are reading this then I'm gone and you found the people at ncis including Jethro. I'm sorry that I'm not there for you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you so much. I'm sorry that I kept who your father is but if you are reading this I'm assuming you know that Gibbs is your father. There's a lot that I didn't tell you and if you and Gibbs can have a relationship after this you can ask him. Your middle name means something that the only person to explain why is Gibbs. I hope your not mad at me or think differently of me, everything I did was to protect you. I never wanted anything to happen to you. I hope you grew up with loving people around you. I'm so sorry for everything but I hope you understand. I'm sorry I couldn't take you to Paris but I hope you make it there someday if you haven't already. Just know I love you and I hope you have a great amazing life.

Jane just started crying and had to go talk to Gibbs.

"Director Vance can I ask you something?" McGee asked.

"Sure what is it McGee?"

"Can you tell Bishop and Torres that they are crazy for thinking that Jane is Gibbs's daughter".

"Sorry McGee can't do that".

"She is isn't she?" Bishop asked.

"Yeah they both found out but don't say that I told you".

"We won't" everyone said.

Director Vance walked away.

"See McGee told you" Torres said.

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