Chapter 10

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In the morning Gibbs went to see Leyla and Amira since he hadn't seen them in a while.

"Gibbs so nice to see you" Leyla said.

"Hi Leyla how are you?"

"Good. What brings you here?"

"Just stopping by".

"How's Jane".


"Something happened didn't it".

Gibbs explained what's been going on and Leyla assured him that she knows how to take care of herself.

"Leyla remember when I came that Christmas where was Jane at?" He asked.

"She stayed at school. When she was at school she would usually stay at school during Christmas or she made some friends and stayed with them".

"I guess we weren't met to meet until something like this happens".

"Mike wanted you to meet her Gibbs but everything got more complicated".

Amira came running to the living room greeting Gibbs. Amira had grown up so much.

"Is auntie Jane with you?" Amira asked.

"No not now she's busy right now but I'm sure she'll come and visit".

"I told her that you know her now".

"Ahh did mike ever mention her father?"

"No he didn't. I don't think he ever knew".

Gibbs spent about an hour with them and then headed to ncis.

"Any hits on Troy or Harry or Frank" Gibbs said as he walked in.

"No nothing. Troy turned his phone off" McGee said.

"We have been tracking everyones else's phones and nothing" bishop said.

"But we will find her" Torres said.

Gibbs went down to Kasie's lab to see if she got anything from Jane's phone.

There was nothing on her phone that was going to lead them to Jane. Her phone was pretty much wiped clean.

"Wakey wakey Jane" Troy said.

Jane opened woke up and Troy gave her some breakfast then took her tape off her mouth.

He untied one of her hands.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" She asked.

"Because we may need you".

"For what? I don't understand any of this".

"Because since your buddy buddy with ncis now we may need them to give us time".

"Time for what?"

"Stuff. How are you buddy buddy with them?"

"One of the agents was friends with my mom so I went to him for help. I'm glad my suspicions were right".

"Your mom?"

"Yeah my mom".


Jane didn't know what that meant but it probably wasn't good.

Troy left the room. Jane was hesitant to eat the food just because of the situation but she was hungry so she ate. Besides Troy did say they might need her so she's going to remain alive for now.

She kept looking around for more to tell her where she's at but couldn't think of where she was at, it did look familiar to her though.

Jane finished her food and Troy was still gone and nobody else was in the same room so she started messing with the ropes to free herself.

When Gibbs met Jane Where stories live. Discover now