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It's been about 2 months since Gibbs and Jane were revealed to be father and daughter. A lot of things have changed, Jane has been living with Gibbs and while she wants to find a new place to live she doesn't want to. Gibbs likes having the company at home but he won't admit it to anyone.

Gibbs loves having Jane around so much and wanted to make sure she is safe that he talked to Vance and got her a job in the mail room. Jane was kind of hesitant because she didn't want to everyone to get tired of her but she accepted it. She actually liked working in the mailroom sure it was the same thing everyday but she had fun going around the building meeting new people. When she had her lunch breaks she usually spent them with Ducky because he always had a new story for her.

Jane still didn't figure out how Gibbs got the boats out of the basement but it was one of her new goals to figure it out. Jane was the happiest she's been in a while. Leyla was so happy about the news because she always had a feeling Gibbs was her father.

Everyday after both of them finished work which Jane was always done first she waited for Gibbs to be done and had dinner and worked on the boat until one of the was tired.

Jane has started calling Gibbs dad but she still isn't used to it so sometimes it's still Gibbs.

Jane went full on decorating in her new room with photos of her and Gibbs along with some of her with her mom, mike, Leyla, and Amira along with some from her friends from school.

Gibbs didn't have this much stuff in his house in such a long time.

They started to learn so much about each other.

Jane had more dreams about her mother where she said that she hopes Gibbs is being a great father to her and she always said he is.

One day Gibbs took her to Jenny's grave and she has only been here a couple of times.

Jane hasn't been emotional in a while but just being at the cemetery with Gibbs just made her want to cry. Then they went to visit Shannon and Kelly's and Gibbs wasn't emotional but you could see the tears in his eyes.

Jane gave Gibbs a hug "you alright?".

"Yeah I'm good".

That night over dinner Gibbs had a surprise waiting for Jane but he was going to wait until morning.

The next morning Gibbs told her the news.

"Jane I have a surprise for you" Gibbs said.

"What kind of surprise?"

"You know how you always wanted to go to Paris".


"Well I talk to your boss and I have a lot of vacation days so we are leaving for Paris in the morning".


"Yeah really and we are going to meet up with Tony and Ziva and their daughter Tali . You know them right?"

"Yeah my mom told me about them and I heard about them".

"I hope you can get your bags packed in time".

"I will. I love you Gibbs".

Once Jane said those 3 words she felt like she shouldn't.

"Sorry" she continued.

"I love you to Jane".

Jane smiled and went in for a hug and ran upstairs to pack her bags.

She was finally going to be able to see what her mom talked so much about.

Jane couldn't believe she was finally getting to go to Paris that she couldn't stop smiling packing her bags.

The next morning they arrived at the airport ready to take off.

"You excited?" Gibbs asked.

"Super excited".

Jane looked out the window and just smiled. Gibbs at that moment reminded him so much of Jenny.

It was the beginning of a trip down memory lane and the first plane trip as father and daughter.

The End.

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