Chapter 8

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It was going to be another full day of tracking down Troy. Jane wanted all this mess to be over so her life can go back to normal.

Jane was up before Gibbs and decided to cook breakfast for them. He didn't really have anything but she decided to make eggs and toast.

"Do I smell eggs?" Gibbs asked as he walked in the kitchen.

"Uh yeah I thought I could make us breakfast".

"That's very nice of you but you didn't..".

"I wanted to. Also thank you for the stories last night".

"No problem".

"I didn't make coffee because you get the same coffee everyday so I didn't want to ruin your thing".

"My thing?"


Gibbs laughed "you haven't gotten tired of going to ncis yet because you can stay here if you want".

"No I'm fine I like going".


They finished their breakfast then headed to ncis once again.

Jane did think about just staying at Gibbs house all day but she likes being surrounded by the team.

Besides Jane felt like she would be bored sitting around the house.

They stopped and got Gibbs coffee and then headed to ncis.

By the time they got there everyone was already there and working.

"Morning Boss, morning Jane" McGee said.


Today she was continuing writing and drawing. She was drawing everyone at their desks.

"Jane do you know a Frank Smith?" McGee asked her.

"No he doesn't sound familiar. Who is he?"

"We were going through Harry's stuff and found him and ran his name along with Troy and it seems like they may be connected in that gambling stuff".

"McGee go to take Torres" Gibbs said.

McGee and Torres bolted out and went to the elevator.

Bishop was tracking any credit card activity that this Frank had but she came up with nothing.

Jane was so focused on her drawing that she didn't notice that Gibbs was talking to her.

"Yeah sorry" she said.

"Torres and McGee need back up so..."

"I'll watch her" Director Vance said of nowhere.


Bishop and Gibbs left and Director Vance took her to his office.

"So this is where my mom used to work" Jane said.

"Yeah it is".

"I always imagined seeing this and watching my mom work".

"Not as glorious as it sounds".

"If it was glorious maybe my mom wouldn't have hid me from everyone".

"She did what she thought was best for you".

"Yeah I know".

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