Chapter 5

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While talking to Leyla Gibbs found out so much about Jane and that mike considered her a daughter and took as much care of her as they could. Leyla told him that they still keep in contact and that she is glad she found him.

It was going to be another diner breakfast morning and Jane loved going to the diner even though Troy saw her there before. She felt safe with Gibbs.

"Morning Gibbs" the waitress Elaine said.

"Morning Elaine".

"The usual".

"Is there anything else".

"Guess not".

Jane ordered the same thing.

"So I talked to Leyla this morning" Gibbs said.

"How is she?".

"Good. She told me a lot about you".

"Oh she did".

"Believe me it's all good I just wanted to find out more".


They were eating and Jane looked out the window and she noticed something that looked familiar. There was a jacket sitting on the bench and she seen it before but it could be anybody's jacket.

She ignored it and after a couple of minutes she looked out the window again and someone came and grabbed the jacket, it was Troy.

"Gibbs" she said.


"Troy he's right there". She pointed out the window.

He looked out the window "stay here".

Jane's heart was beating so fast as he ran out of the diner. She didn't want to look but she had to at the same time.

Troy looked back and noticed Gibbs and started running. Troy was fast but she couldn't stop thinking about how he was here. He saw her here before with Gibbs and questioned why he came back. Jane paid the bill and grabbed Gibbs coffee and headed to look around.

There had to be something she thought because no way he would willingly come back to somewhere he knew she had been before and a chance she would come back.

Jane looked around and found nothing but she still thought there was something there. She first called McGee and told him what was going on and before she knew it he arrived.

"Where's Gibbs" McGee asked.

"He started chasing Troy and he started running that way".

McGee headed in that direction but then Gibbs reappeared.

"He got away" Gibbs said.

"I'll look around to see if any of the cameras for him" McGee said.

"Here's your coffee" Jane said.

"Thanks and I almost had him".

"I know".

Jane still looked around for anything that looked like Troy left something but still nothing. Something had to be up.

There was a bag that looked liked hers in the alley. She walked to it and Gibbs noticed her walking towards it and was slowly behind her.

In the bag she recognized what it was, it was the stuffed animal that her mom gave her just before she died.

She went to pick it up.

"Don't touch that. It could be evidence" Gibbs said.

She stepped away and Gibbs out gloves on and McGee took photos.

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