Chapter 19

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It was morning and Jane was thinking about just leaving then remembered she didn't have her car here, so that idea was gone. Jane was up before Gibbs and made breakfast, it would be one last big breakfast. She decided to make pancakes since Gibbs had everything for it.

"Do I smell pancakes?" Gibbs asked.

"Yeah I thought I make some".

"You didn't have to".

"I wanted to".

"Well they smell good".

Jane just smiled and continued making the pancakes. After a few minutes they were done and they sat down and ate.

"You know you can come to ncis again" Gibbs said.

"Thank you but I told my boss that I was ready to work again".

"Okay but whenever you want to visit just let me know".

"I will and I talked to Leyla and I'm having dinner with them. She said your welcomed to join us".

"We will see".


"I'm happy Leyla decided to move to D.C".

"Yeah me too".

They finished their breakfast and Gibbs drove Jane back to her place.

"You call if you ever need anything" Gibbs said.

"I know and thank you for everything".

"No problem at all".

She waved by before walking into her apartment building. She looked back and realizing it was now officially it, she can't just go to ncis whenever she wanted well she could but she didn't want to be a bother.

She entered her apartment and she had a couple of hours before work. She looked around and realized that she didn't feel like home anymore. She decided to look for a new place to live, it was hard for her because this was her first apartment. She started looking and realized that she couldn't afford to move anywhere else so she was stuck for now.

She took a shower and called her boss to see if she could come in early, her boss told her they were short handed so the help was needed. She got ready and headed to work.

When Jane arrived to work it was super busy but it died down fast.

Gibbs arrived at work and they had another case.

"Where's Jane boss?" McGee asked.

"Probably at work why?"

"Just wondering because it was nice having her here".

"Well the case is over and she's safe now so back to her life and we have another case so let's move".

Everyone looked at each other and grabbed their stuff and headed for the elevator.

They arrived at an alley way where the body was discovered by the workers at the bowling alley. There wasn't hardly any evidence or no signs of the murder weapon.

Palmer arrived and examined the body. Palmer said that he was dead for about 5 hours and he was stabbed then shot in the chest.

They looked around to see if they could find a bullet casing but the alley was a mess and there was nothing.

Palmer took the body back for autopsy and the team looked around for any witnesses.

They were coming up empty but as much as it sucked it happens. Torres noticed a security camera and him and McGee went to go look at the tape. Luckily for them the tape was working so they sat and watched to see what happened.

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