Chapter 18

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"Yes McGee I'll bring Jane. How are Bishop and Gibbs doing?" Director Vance said.

"Bishop is awake she's doing good but Gibbs isn't in good shape the doctors say he should wake up soon but he just doesn't look good".

"Thanks for the update we will be there soon".

Jane was still with Palmer and he was showing her how an autopsy works, she was having so much fun and she didn't know what was happening.

"Hi director Vance what brings you down here?" Palmer asked.

"Something happened with Bishop and Gibbs they are in the hospital and I'm here to take Jane to see them".

"Are they alright?" Jane asked.

"Bishop is awake but Gibbs hasn't yet".

"Thank you for today Palmer".

"No problem you are always welcomed here".

Jane and Vance rushed over to the hospital. Vance knew that Jane was scared but he kept assuring her that Gibbs is a fighter and that everything was going to be alright.

Once they got to the hospital Vance talked to McGee and Torres to find out what happened while Jane went to go see Gibbs.

Gibbs looked really bad, his face was badly cut up and he didn't look normal. Jane left the room to see what was going on.

"Jane how you doing?" Torres asked.

"I'm fine how's bishop doing?"

"She's good, she's awake".

"So what happened".

She sat down and McGee and Torres explained to her everything that happened.

"This is all my fault" she said.

"Don't say that" McGee said.

"If I never came to Gibbs and told him what was going on then maybe all this wouldn't have happened".

"If it wasn't for you then we probably wouldn't have caught Troy and Frank".

"I know but I just feel so guilty".

"You did the right thing for coming to us".

"I know".

Torres and Vance went to go check on bishop to make sure that she was actually alright while McGee sat with Jane.

"Seriously though don't blame yourself for this I should have saw the car coming" McGee said.

"Don't blame yourself either. You couldn't have stopped this from happening".

"Now Hailey is gone and who knows who helped her".

"I'm sure you'll find her".

Jane went to go sit with Gibbs and hoped he would wake up. She wasn't going to leave him because when she was here he didn't leave.

Jane did leave to go see bishop to see if she was actually alright and not everyone saying she is to make her not worried about 2 people.

"Hi. I wanted to make sure that you are alright" Jane said.

"Yeah I'm good how's Gibbs?"

"He hasn't woken up yet. I'm going to go sit with him just checking in".

"thanks for coming by".

Jane returned to Gibbs room. She sat there talking to him about anything she could think of because she didn't want to sit there in silence. Hours have went by and Torres brought her food.

When Gibbs met Jane Where stories live. Discover now