Chapter 12

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It was early in the morning and Jane woke up first. There was nobody in the office so Jane grabbed her bag of clothes and changed. She couldn't leave so she went to get snacks.

When she came back Gibbs was awake.

"Morning Gibbs" she said.

"Morning did you sleep good?".

"Yeah I actually slept here. Did you sleep good?"


"I would have made you coffee but it seems like you stick with the same coffee".

"You are not wrong".

Jane sat and waited while Gibbs put a change of clothes on. After he came back he went to go get his coffee while she stayed at the desk.

He came back and more and more people started arriving.

"I may think you want to finish these" he said while hanging her her drawings back.

"These were supposed to be a surprise but thank you".

The team arrived and Gibbs, Bishop, and Torres went to the storage place while McGee stayed with Jane.

"So" McGee said.

"So" Jane replied.

"Enjoying your time here?"

"Yeah everyone I met has been amazing. I wish it wasn't under these circumstances".

"Do you think you would have met Gibbs even if all this never happened".

"I don't know. I mean my mom told me I should only meet him if I was in trouble so maybe not. Then again I don't really know".

"Are you mad that your mom kept you a secret?"

"Yes and no. I mean I understand now but it was hard".

"Yeah. But are you okay after everything that happened the past couple of days?"

"Yeah I'm good it was scary but I knew Troy wasn't going to hurt me so I was okay then Harry stepped in and that was when I got scared".

"Well I'm glad you are okay".

"Thank you. So did you and Abby ever get together?"

McGee's face was shocked.

"Oh sorry I shouldn't have asked" she continued on.

"No no it's fine and no we didn't I'm married now with twins. Your mom did tell you a lot didn't she?".

"It appears so but congratulations on the twins".

"Thank you. What else did your mom tell you. If you don't mind me asking".

Jane went on about all the things her mom told her about the team. McGee filled her in on a lot and everything definitely has changed.

The rest of the team arrived at the storage container and went with the clues and looked around.

They eventually stumbled upon Troy.

"Troy Anderson freeze" they all yelled.

It caught him of guard and he started to run. Luckily Torres was there to stop him.

They arrested him and brought him to ncis.

Gibbs called McGee "McGee".

"Yeah boss".

"Take Jane to Ducky because we got Troy and I don't want her to see him or him see her".

"Got it".

When Gibbs met Jane Where stories live. Discover now