Chapter 11

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"We got to move her Frank" she heard Troy say as she opened her eyes.

"So your name is Frank. Nice to meet you frank" Jane said.

"Look what you did she knows my name now".

"They probably know your involved".

"Doesn't matter".

Jane stood up "so where are you taking me now?"

"We may not be moving you".

They left the storage container before she even got a word out. The door opened again and they threw a bag of food in.

"Thank you" she said.

Jane thought about how stupid Troy could be. While she thought he was stupid she was definitely impressed on everything he has done without her finding out.

Gibbs didn't get hardly any sleep and lied awake most of the night thinking where Jane could be.

Gibbs arrived later to work that usual, by the time he got there everyone else was already deep into work.

"Morning boss" McGee said.

"Anything yet. Have we found them or Jane".

"Not yet but we will find her".

"Good work".

Gibbs walked off. The team was worried about him but they knew the only thing to do that would help him was to find Jane.

"Jethro good morning" Ducky said.

"Hi Duck".

"I know you are worried about Jane but you and your team are the best you'll find her".


Jane was sitting in the storage container waiting and waiting until someone came in to at least talk to her.

Troy came in and tied her hands up and put the blindfold on.

"Guess we are moving" Jane said.

"Just keep moving".

Jane knew how to bug Troy and that was to keep asking questions.

They didn't go very far, they just switched storage containers.

"Why did we have to move containers?" She asked.

"Because we had to and here's you bag. I'm keeping the money but I would think you would want your pictures and letters back".

"That's sweet".

He left

She sat down and went through her bag to make sure there wasn't anything missing. She sat looking at some of the pictures and finally understood why her mom wanted to keep her a secret.

Least with Jane having her bag she has something to use as a pillow.

"Troy we got to get rid of her she knows to much" harry said.

"I know but what are we going to do with her".

"Troy I know she's your girlfriend well ex now but you know what we have to do".

"I'm not killing her"

"Let's drive up to the woods and dump her in that lake, didn't you say she wasn't a good swimmer".

"Yeah but".

"But nothing I'll do it".

"Fine just let her have her bag".

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