Chapter 9

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Jane was thinking about staying at Gibbs house all day and give everyone a break from watching her. She liked going to ncis but she kept feeling like a distraction so she decided to stay at Gibbs house all day until he was done with work.

"You sure you'll be alright by yourself?" Gibbs asked.

"Yes I'm not a little kid".

"I know. Just call whenever".

"I will have a good day at work".

"Make sure to lock the door".

"You never do".

"Well that's when I'm here".

"Ok bye".

Gibbs left and he was kind of scared leaving her alone but she wasn't a little kid and could take care of her self.

Gibbs arrived at ncis.

"Morning boss where's Jane?" McGee asked.

"She decided to take the day off".

"Is that smart with Troy out there".

"Probably not but she can take care of your self".


The rest of the team arrived and the same question was asked. If Jane was told they noticed her absence she wouldn't believe it because nobody notices when she is gone.

Jane was starting to regret her decision because she was getting bored. She did finish one of her drawings and started to draw everyone she has met. She wants to give everyone their own drawing when this is all over, well if this ever gets over.

Jane got a text from Gibbs it read to the left of your bed and open the drawer I left something for you

Jane was interested and she walked upstairs to see what it was.

Jane entered the room and opened the drawer and what she found were more pictures of her mom and some of her mom with Gibbs.

She called Gibbs and told him thank you. Gibbs asked her if she wanted to come to ncis yet and while she was bored she said no. She said no mainly because she wanted to prove to herself she can stay on her own.

She walked around the house and most of the upstairs rooms had stuff covered in plastic like nobody has lived up in a while.

One room however does look recent in sleeping as most of the room is not covered in plastic. Jane thought there might be time where Gibbs might sleep in this room.

She wasn't going to mention anything because Jane knows she shouldn't be snooping in the first place.

Jane grabbed some food then headed down to the basement to work on the boat. She liked working on the boat so she hoped that he didn't mind.

Since she was alone in the basement she looked around to find any hidden compartment to explain how he gets the boats out of here.

She found nothing.

Jane worked on the boat for a while then headed back upstairs to see if anything was on tv and go work more on her drawings.

She sat mainly on the floor because it was easier to draw that way.

After about 10 minutes she got up to get some water and glanced out the window and she saw Troy outside and in a car she didn't recognize.

She grabbed her stuff made sure all the doors were locked and locked her self in the room.

She started to cry and called Gibbs.

Before Gibbs got the call McGee found something "boss I've been keeping an eye on Troy's phone and well he turned it back on and Boss he's outside your house".

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