Third Year

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I groan as my alarm blared out across the room. My roommate that i've shared a room with for the last three years wasn't in. Typical. She was definitely out with some boy... but I supposed that that was what Orions did. I loved my roommate though, i wouldn't change k'iara for anything. She studied medicine.

I shove the black and white bed covers off me and jumping out of the bed, pulling on my red cadet top when I saw the time. It was exactly 7.30. I hadn't looked over my new timetable, but knowing my luck I would have my first class at 8.30. As soon as I finish pulling on my black leather boots, the familiar scent of roses filled the room. K'iara was back. She always wore too much perfume. "DESTIIIIII" She grinned as she closed the door behind her.

"Glad you decided to come back, K." I smirk." Honestly was gonna send a search party if you didn't come back."

"LIsten, I've got my first class at 10am I can stay out as long as I ant, mother."SHe smirked. "Maybe you should come too, get that giant stick outta your arse!"

I threw a pillow at her and sent a playful glare, before getting y timetable up on my PADD. "So." She smiled. "What've you got?"

"Languages." I shrug.

"I thought you've been studying Navigation?" She frowned.

"I have, Languages are an essential part of navigation... apparently." I say. "Its with a commander Spock."


I out my PADD in my bag. "Oh?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"I had a friend who had him for Language in her first year. She hated that class and no one ever passes with more than a B."

"Why?" I frown.

"Because he really is a hard arse."

I groan and shrug on my black jacket. "Well if I die you know where i'll be. Catch you later."

I had never ventured into the Languages department before. I'd had no reason to. By the time I reaches campus it was 8am, so I stopped to get a coffee, stopping to say a quick hello to Leonard McCoy, and ignoring James Kirk who hung around him like a lost puppy. I hike all the way up the large staircase, passing various cadets that searched high and low for their classes. Soon, I reached the top floor- floor 8- and saw a large group of students outside a room. 

I wasn't late.

Just as I head to the group, I felt my coffee come.out of my hands. Before I turned to see who took it, I yelled "excuse me, I paid for that. Who do you think you are you dickhead-" I instantly stopped when i saw 

A Vulcan.

He had black hair, was very tall and had dark eyes that slung into mine as he glared down, coffee in hand before dropping it in the bin next to me. "Food and drink is forbidden in this building, cadet."

"C-commander Spock... I-" 

He walked passed me and opened the door to the lab. I rest my head against the cold wall before following the rest in... and the only place left was slap bang in the middle of the front row. I trudge over and take my place, taking my ringbinder out of my bag, looking up at the Vulcan. "Now, as some of you have already shown a blatant disregard for the rules..." I felt myself blush scarlet and covered half my face with my hand. "I shall not beat around the Bush... I am Commander Spock. Welcome to Languages. You can thank Cadet in the front row for your first assignment on the history of the Vulcan language."

The whole class groaned slightly, I got glares from every direction. I roll my head back slightly before opening my notepad, and titling the book 'Dickhead Vulcan Class'

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