Mission Complete

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I stood in the transporter room with Spock, Jim and Scotty. We were above Titan now, ready for the pair to beam down to Titan. i stood in front of Spock who had both hands on my shoulders, forehead pressed against mine. "I will come back." He whispered to me.

"You better." I say as I looked into his eyes. I'll be monitoring your frequency, Spock." I was so worried that he wouldn't come back, but every time his forehead touched mine I was filled with a sense of relief.

He pulled back from me and placed a kiss on my lips. Softly, and filled with more emotion than any kiss of his ever had been before. He pulled back and I saw Jim from the corner of my eyes. He stared at us with his mouth open, but Sock didn't seem to care. And neither did I. "Thank you, Destiny." I out my forehead against his once more before heading straight down to the bridge.

***** *****

I sat on the bridge, Monitoring Jim and Spock, my heard beating a mile every single second i was away from Spock. The second he disappeared off the scanned I jumped into action, and Chekov's next announcement made it all that little bit worse.

"They have actiwated the drill." Chekov called.

I glared as I hit my controls. "Communication and transport are inoperative. Sulu, please tell me you have them. Otherwise, we won't be able to beam them back."

Sulu looked at me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Kirk and Spock are on their own now."

***** *****

The doors of the bridge flew open. I saw Spock and Jim head quickly onto the bridge. "Captain, the enemy ship is losing power. Their shields are down, sir." Chekov grinned. Spock had been on the Romulin ship for almost half an hour and he was back! My heart was swelling with joy when i saw the pair on the bridge again, where they belonged.

"Hail them now." jim said as he sat in the Captains chair.

I watched as the Romulin was on his pretty destroyed ship. I stood and made my way to Spock, taking his hand in mine. He looked down to me. "Glad you survived, Commander." I grin.

"I did tell you I would come back, Cadet."

I turned to Jim who spoke to the romulin. "This is Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. Your ship is compromised. Your too close to the singularity to provide assistance, which we will provide."

Spock dropped my hand and looked to Jim. "Captain, what are you doing?"

" You show them compassion may be the only way to earn peace with Romulus. It's logic, Spock. Thought you'd like that."

"No, not really. Not this time." Spock told him.

Nero looked at us on the bridge of the Enterprise. "I would rather suffer the end of Romulus a thousand times. I would rather die in agony than accept assistance from you."

Jim shrugged. "You got it. Arm phasers, fire everything we got."

Sulu nodded. "Yes, sir."

The Narada is shot upon before disappearing in the black hole. Jim grinned as the ship was destroyed. "Sulu, let's go home!"

"Yes, sir!" I nod with a grin as I head back to my station.

"Why aren't we at warp?" He asked.

" We are, sir." Chekov told him.

"Kirk to engineering. Get us out of here, Scotty."

I heard Scotty reply over comms. looks like we're not out of danger yet. "You bet your arse, Captain. Captain McCoy?, the gravity well has got us!"

"Go to maximum warp. Push it!"

"I'm giving her all that she's got, Captain?"

" All she's got isn't good enough. What else you got?" Jim yelled as the bridge began to strain around us, like it was being pulled apart.

"Okay. If we eject the core and detonate, the blast could be enough to push us away! I cannae promise anything, though!"

Jim screamed down the comms. "Do it, do it, do it!" The next thing I knew, the Enterprise was being pushed forwards by a massive warp drive push, sending us flying faster than was realistically possible out of the orbit of the blackhole, sending us flying across the galaxy...

***** *****

I looked up at the board at the next academic hearing. I wore my Enterprise uniform, watching the hearing, standing witht he Enterprise crew next to Spock. "This assembly calls Captain James Tiberius Kirk. Your inspirational valor and supreme dedication to your comrades is in keeping with the highest traditions of service, and to reflect utmost credit to yourself, your crew, and the Federation, it is my honor to award you with this commendation. By Starfleet Order two-eight four five five, you are hereby directed to report to Admiral Pike, USS Enterprise, for duty as his relief."

Jim walked over to Pike who was in a wheelchair after his incident on the Romulin ship. "I relieve you, sir."

" I am relieved."

Jim smiled at Pike. "Thank you, sir."

"Congratulations, Captain. Your father would be proud."

Not a week later we were all on the enterprise again, ready to set off on our next mission. I stood in the turbolift with Spock, who held one hand. I smiled at him as the doors opened, and we walked onto the bridge hand in hand. He stooped by Jim as I headed to my station.

"Grumpy." Jim grinned.

"Captain." I smirk as I sit in my chair.

Spock turned to him. "Permission to come aboard, Captain."

"Permission granted."

"As you have yet to select a first officer, respectfully, I would like to submit my candidacy. Should you desire, I can provide character references."
"It would be my honor, Commander." He turned to Sulu. "Maneuvering thrusters, Mister Sulu."

"Thrusters on standby."

" Take us out."

"Aye aye, Captain." Sulu grinned as we piloted the ship into the vastness of Space...

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