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I hated Halloween. I always had. It just wasn't the sort of holiday I was ever really fussed with and tonight, I had been dragged out by K'iara to some bar in town that I had no real desire to be at. But luckily for me, She was occupied with James T. Kirk and I was left along for most of the night... until I heard a familiar voice behind me. 

"Cadet Fawn! By god youre outside at nighttime."

I span around with a small grin and saw McCoy. "Doc." I grin, seeing him dressed in a black poloneck jumper and matching jeans. "Whatre you meant to me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Your resident hobgoblin." He muttered with a smirk, before saying "Commander Spock."

"Ah." I nod, understanding that he was trying to be a metaphor for blandness... and I understood it and eventually laughed.

"What're you drinking?" the barman asked me.

"Vodka and lemonade." I say.

before he could turn away, Leonard leant in and said "Make that two." And pulled out his wallet.

"You shouldn't be encouraging me to drink."

"This is an extracurricular activity I don't mind encouraging, especially when its a mate who never leaves her goddamned room accept for class."

I blink a few times. He really did see me as a friend. I smile to myself. I never was one for making friends and me seeing someone as a friend was different than them actually saying that they were. "Well thanks I guess." 

"You here with anyone?" He asked as the drinks came. "What're you meant to be anyway?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

I looked to the black dress and small mask in my hand. "Honestly I have no idea... I didn't even dress up really, most Halloween-like thing I had."

He nods as he sips his drink. "Guess we're hobgoblins together, huh?"

"I'll drink to that, Doc." I smirk as we clink glasses. I look across the packed bar at the people all dressed up as different things... I knew in earth history that witches were always meant to be scary, but even now, in the 23rd century, people still dressed as them. I saw K'iara and James grinding on the dancefloor and looked away.

Doc frowned and followed my glance and grimaced just as I did. "Oh, god." He coughed. "Jim has no idea how stupid he looks." He snorts.

"Did he tell you I saw him and her naked a few weeks back? Scarred for life doc, not joking."

"that's nothing Destiny, I've walked in on them having sex. Full on sex." He shuddered. "I cannot ever burn that out of my mind and believe me I've tried."

I looked at him over my drink with raised eyebrows. "For real? I actually feel sorry for you Doc, you deserve another drink for that." I grin as I lean over the bar, paying for yet another drink.

***** *****

My eyes adjusted to the bright autumn light flooding through the thin curtains. I was on my front, uncomfortably scrunched up in a pile on the floor of wherever I was. I couldn't even move at first, I was paralysed by fear and adrenaline of not waking up in my own bed, and the last memory I had of the night was getting another drink for Leonard McCoy at a bar... but then I heard a familiar voice echoing in the distance. "Is she even awake yet?"


"Nah, shes been out since about 2am." I heard Doc laugh.

they were talking about me. I knew it. I sat up and tried to stand, when a pair of arms came around me. "Youre fine, Destiny." 

I looked up and saw James T. Kirk. He reeked of alcohol. the entire place did. I walked forwards with him over to K'iara and Doc. This was clearly the Doc's room. we ended up at his? I didn't want to know how... but something told me i'd find out anyway.

"I've never seen a human drink so much, Desti." Laughed K'iara.

"You're entire bloodstream is probably just alcohol, Destiny." Doc smirked. "We were all pretty plastered."

"It was definitely the best Halloween I've ever had that's for damn sure." James smirked as we collected ourselves together and headed out of Doc's place to contemplate the events of the previous evening...

This chapter was so much fun to write and im glad I managed to eventually bring in Destiny and McCoys relationship how I did, even though it's been hinted at in other chapters, I'm so happy I got it in how I did. :)

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