Just Lunch

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I took my sandwich from my fridge in our shared house... and realised half of it had been eaten. "K'IARA!" I screamed up the stairs. Not a second later she poked her head over the banister, completely naked, followed by a shirtless James Kirk.

"Jesus, sweet mother girl CLOTHES!"  She giggled at my outburst. I glare and turn my attention to James. He wasnt unattractive, the opposite really, but he ATE MY SANDWICH. "If you're staying her sunshine rule number one is NO EATING MY FOOD!" 

He laughed as K'iara dragged him back into the bedroom. I moam to myself, not being able to listen to them anymore. I picked up my bag- now coffee free after the incident a few weeks ago- and headed out. There was no way I was hanging around there. I simply had to wait until he left, or got hungry and went to his own home. The latter seemed more promising to me.

I walked into a small cafe on the high street, and ordered a large black coffee and a bagel to have in, when I heard a familiar voice order their food and drink too. I turned to my left and saw Commander Spock, hardly out of uniform on this Saturday... I flashed back to redoing that essay two weeks ago. How our knees brushed more than a handful of times, the way he let me help the marking once my essay was complete... how he accidentally let slip that I was top of the class... and my essay was early an A grade material...

"Commander." I say with a small smile.

He turned to me and looked down, a little surprised at first to see me there. "Cadet Fawn. Good day."

"I wish." I sigh as my food and drink was handed to me, as was his. "I wont bother you with it though."

"On the contrary, Cadet, it's part of my job to make sure recruits are happy and well during their time at the Academy, please." 

I followed his gaze to a free table away from prying eyes. I felt myself blush a little at the thought of eating with Commamder Spock on a Saturday. "Um, yeah okay. As long as you dont have more pressing plans?"

"I'd hardly have suggested it if I did." 

I follow him over and sit opposite. "Well." I sigh. "Where to start... I assume you know my house mate? The Orion girl? Studying Medicine? In literally all of Lenoard McCoys classes."

"I am familiar." He nods.

"And I assume you also know of James T. Kirk too?"

"Indeed i do." He said.

I looked to my coffee, suddenly rather embarrassed to tell him about the love affairs that happened inside home. "well, I went to get good from the fridge but someone had eaten it. It was James. He was IN the house and with K'iara. Now I dont mind her bringing people back, she can do it all she likes if she leaves me alone while doing... it." I shudder at the thought of someone who has become literally my best friend having sex in a room I also sleep in. I looked up and avoided his eye as I continue. "Shes great and that but... Kirk eats literally everything. He parades around half naked like he owns the damn place and shes hardly any better. I have to live there, Commander but all I see now is... that."

He nods lightly as he takes a sip of his drink, eyes lining with mine. "That's the reason I'm here, I never come here... nice though."

"I come here a lot." He nods. "The drink is more adaquate than the Academy."

"True that." I mutter as I take another sip of mine. "Mind you, anything better than being home. I've basically got to wait until he gets hungry and goes home, or falls asleep so I can chuck him out a bloody window, sorry, sir but I could and would do it."

"I do not doubt you, Fawn." He said, the residue of a faint smirk of his lips. 

I drank my drink in relaxing, relative silence with Commander Spock, finding the whole thing one of the best experiences to date at the Academy. I met his eye every now and then, and we spoke occasionally about class and our subjects. I lost track of time until my watch beeped, signalling that I had to get back to the house. I swam every saturday for three hours straight at 4pm. I had left the house at 11.30 and it was now 3.10. I had no idea time flew so much! I made .my excuses and hurried out of the cafe and back across the road to my home...

***** Spock *****

Cursing myself yet again I found myself watching Cadet Destiny Fawn leaving the cafe. It had been two weeks since out hands touched accidentally. A feeling I hadn't managed to loose nor forget, nor simply burn away. She was marked onto my skin and nothing I did seemed to rid me of that.

I found myself watching for the girl when I didnt expect myself to, looking for her to turn any corner, watching her in the front row almost... eager to see her. Seeing her in the cafe today made me... happy. And I abhorred the feelings she made arise in me.

My hand tingled at the thought of her soft Irish voice, her warm flesh against my hand... I slammed it on the table and got up. It was ridiculous. I am Vulcan. I am in control of my emotions...

No matter how hard she made me feel I was loosing control, I had to remain in control of them... I had to.

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