Essays and Talking

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I huffed out of Commander Spocks class, still annoyed we failed the Kobayashi Maru yesterday, making a beeline for the science block where I picked up a still rather oddly acting K'iara. I was also angry at my essay grade. I knew it wouldn't be good by any means but it was definitely NOT D standard. Having a big, fat 51% on top literally made my heart- and grade- sink.

"K." I sigh as we sat together in one of the many warm common rooms. "Somethings up and it's something to do with Jim Kirk isn't it?"

She huffed and looked away. "That's a yes then." I muttered. "Whatever it is you can tell me you know."

She looked up close to tears. "We broke up."

"What?" I gasp. "You broke up? Why?"

She leaned her head back. "I failed one of Leonard's tests and it brought my grade to a C average. It was big test, Desti and I screwed it up... I spent literally all my time with Jim and didn't look at any of the course things... then we failed the Kobayashi Maru... I ended it, he was taking up too much time and to get back at me hes been seeing so many other people... I think hes seeing that Uhura girl or her roommate or something..."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "If it makes you feel any better my love life is in a pretty sorry state too."

"Oh?" She smirked, suddenly over her own sadness.

"Before the test... about a week ago now, Commander Spock..."

She squealed to herself and clapped. "I knew it! Girl did you root him? Props if you did I hear Vulcans know how to please! Bet he was good right-!?"

I cover her mouth with my hand as another Professor walked passed. I dragged her into the loos, making sure they were empty before continuing. "We didnt do anything like that." I say. "We didnt really do anything at all."

"Then...?" She asked, green lips frowning slightly.

"We nearly kissed." I say. "Simulation lab after my navigation test. He had me against the glass, K it was... I'd never felt like that before."

She grinned at me. "I said you had a crush! What happened though? Why didnt you? Did you chicken out?"

"No." I sigh. "No he did. He came over all weird and just left me there to contemplate my bad life choices and I literally haven't said a word to him since. I've spent all of my free time doing Xenobiology stuff with Leonard who thinks I'm just sad because my only friends are you and him."

She chuckled at me and put an arm around my shoulder as we left the loos together. "You should talk to him. You only live once girl."

"That's fine to say, people love you what if I say the wrong thing?"

"What do you want, Destiny Adele Fawn?" She asked. No one used my full name, not unless i was in trouble or it was a a regulations thing. "Do you want to root the Vulcan, or live forever regretting it?"

"I don't know, K. I like him. I think I really, really like him. Its more than a sex thing, its... it's an emotional connection-"

"Everything's a sex thing, Desti." She said as she shook her head and we walked towards our apartment. "You just need to decide on whether it's a one time deal or not. Talk to him, maybe he thinks it was a mistake, maybe he does actually... feel? Do they feel? You know what I mean. Maybe he genuinely likes you."

I sigh as we reach our front door, knowing what I had to do. I pulled out my PADD and typed out an email to Commander Spock.

Commander Spock.

Good evening. I need to talk to you regarding an urgent, pressing matter that has caught my attention. Would after tomorrow's lecture suffice?


I almost instantly got a reply from him.

4pm tomorrow is sufficient.

Commander Spock.

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