Kisses and Orders

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I landed on Vulcan with Spock, the whole place a burning ball of rocks and fire. Spock grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the Vulcan high council. I saw some people moving in the distance. "Spock." I nod towards the crowd of Vulcans. He ran over and he let go of me as we reached them.

"Spock?" A human woman called out when she saw us emerging from behind the rocks.

Spock wasted no time talking to her as I jogged over to the group. "The planet has only seconds left. We must evacuate. Mother, now!" Mother? That was his mother? I knew he was half human, but I never expected to meet his mother... at least not on the day Vulcan seems to be getting completely destroyed.
I heard a noise above and saw some of the statues begin to crumble above me.

"Spock!" I call as I pull a few of the council out of the way, pulling myself in the way of the calling debris... accept a pair of hands grabbed my waist, pulling me around the ruins.

"Reckless, T'hy'la." He glared as we ran after the group, onto the nd up on a cliff that was slowly beginning to crumble.

Spock pulled out his communicator. "Enterprise get us out now!"

"Locking on you." Chekov replied.

"Chekov now!" I yelled as the cliff began to crumble around us.

"Don't move. Stay right where you are. Transport in Five... Four... three... two..." My eyes grew wide as I saw Spock's mother in the distance beginning to fall off the edge. She turned back to the group, looking at us with wide eyes.

A second later we had arrived back on the Enterprise, minus Spocks Mother. I stood there for a moment with wide eyes, only when I came back into reality I realised Spock was gone, and the council were being directed to medbay...

***** *****

I sat on the bridge, replaying what happened on Vulcan. Uhura had reassured me that it wasn't my fault... and I knew it. I was more worried about Spock. I hadn't been able to find him since we arrived back. I sat outside the turbolift on deck 2, just below the bridge, waiting for something to happen. Just then, the Turbolift opened.

I stood up and saw Spock heading out. "Spock." I called.

He stopped and turned around, looking at me with eyes that masked the sadness. "Spock." I say as I take his hands and, to my surprise, he let me. "I'm sorry. I don't really know what to do, or what to say. Tell me what to do, Spock."

He looked down to me as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. He put a hand on my back, pulling me in closer. I pulled back and met his eye. "Spock... what do you need me to do?"

"Keep everyone working at optimal efficiency, Destiny." He said back, taking a step back towards the turbolift.

I follow him inside, heading back up to the Bridge with him. Before the doors open, I took his hand. He looked down to me and I sent him a reassuring smile. He took it back and ran a thumb over my knuckle as he rose it to his mouth and kissed it gently. He didn't need to say anything to me. I already knew everything he wanted to say. As the doors opened, he dropped it and fell back into Commander mode.

"Have you confirmed that Nero is headed for Earth?"

"Their trajectory suggests no other destination, Captain." Uhura announced.

"Thank you, Lieutenant."

"Earth may be his next stop, but we have to assume every Federation planet's a target." I turned around them I saw Jim sat in the captains chair. Spock stared down at him.

"Out of the chair." Spock glared.

Chekov spoke up. "Well, if the Federation is a target, why didn't they destroy us?"

Sulu frowned." Why would they? Why waste the weapons? You know... we obviously weren't a threat."

"That is not it. He said he wanted me to see something. The destruction of my home planet."

"How the hell did they do that, by the way? Where did the Romulans get that kind of weaponry?" McCoy huffed.

"It's dangerous, that's all I need to know." I say as I fold my arms.

Spock looked at us. "The engineering comprehension necessary to artificially create a black hole may suggest an answer. Such technology could theoretically be manipulated to create a tunnel through space-time."

"Dammit man, I'm a doctor, not a physicist. Are you actually suggesting they're from the future?!"

"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

"How poetic." McCoy sneered. Spock was right though, it was an explanation. Not the most scientific, but an explanation none the less.

"Then, what would an angry, future Romulan want with Captain Pike?" Jim asked

" As Captain, he does know details of Starfleet's defenses." I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

" What we need to do is catch up to that ship. Disable it, take it over, and get Pike back."

Spock rose an eyebrow. "We are technologically outmatched in every way. A rescue attempt would be illogical."

Chekov nods. "Nero's ship would have to drop out of warp for us to overtake him."

"Then, what about assigning engineering crews to try and boost our warp gear?"

Spock turned to Jim. "Remaining power and crew are being used to repair radiation leaks on the lower decks..."

"Okay, alright. There's got to be some way..."

"...we must gather with the rest of Starfleet, to balance the terms of the next engagement."

"There won't be a next engagement. By the time we've gathered, it'll be too late. But you say he's from the future, knows what's going to happen, then the logical thing is to be unpredictable."

"You are assuming that Nero knows how events are predicted to unfold. To the contrary, Nero's very presence has altered the flow of history, beginning with the attack on the USS Kelvin, culminating in the events of today, thereby creating an entire new chain of incidents that cannot be anticipated by either party."

"you mean... an alternate reality?" I ask/

"Precisely. Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, our destinies have changed. Mr. Sulu, plot a course to the Laurentian system warp factor three."

Jim shook his head. "Spock, don't do that. Running back to the rest of the fleet for a, a, a confab is a massive waste of time..."

" ...orders issued by Captain Pike when he left..."

"He also ordered us to go back and get him. Spock, you are captain now! You have to be..."

Spock glared. " I am aware of my responsibilities, Mister..."

" Every second we waste, Nero's getting closer to his next target."

" That is correct and why I am instructing you to accept the fact that I alone..."

Jim lunged at Spock. "I will not allow us to go backwards..."

Mccoy jumped forwards, grabbing at him. "Jim!"

"...instead of hunting Nero down!"

Spock turned to security. "Security. Escort him out."

Two security officers grab Kirk and he starts to fight them off. Spock stepped forwards and pinched his shoulder, letting Jim flop to the ground.

"Get him off this ship." Spock nodded to Security who carried him off the bridge.

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