Faculty Office

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I looked around, checking the coast was clear before sitting down at one of the desks inside the faculty office. I knew I wasn't meant to be in here, but all the other places were literally packed with students studying for their practical exams. Mine was in a week. My stand-alone navigation exam where I was placed in charge of the helm of a simulated starship and needed to score over 90% to pass with a distinction... and I knew I would score with distinction.

I snuggled into the soft chair and the desk, unsure as to whos chair it was, as I look out my notebook, pens and textbooks and began to study like mad. Every now and then I got a nice scent off the chair. It was familiar , soothing almost. Whoever's chair this was, they sure smelled nice. I knew no one really used this office, the staff didn't really like climbing up the stairs to the office when there was another one right by the front door.

I closed my eyes slightly, taking in the chairs scent when the door flew open. Instantly I jumped out pf the chair, my book flying across the room. "Cadet."

I groan slightly and see Commander Spock stood at the door. "Commander, I-"

"Cadet. Why are you sitting at my desk?"

"Y-your desk?" I stutter. It was his desk? But the chair smelled so nice! I thought about the way it made my heart soar and senses flare... making me think of what he smelled like right now... was it just as good? Was it his clothes that smelled that way? or his skin?

A moment later and he was stood in front of me, looking down. it was crazy, I wanted to lean forward and find out for myself, staring at his lips as I thought. Oh, god. There was no way that K'iara was right was there? I took a step back, hitting the desk before I realised that he was holding out the textbook that I had thrown across the room.

"Cadet, Is there something wrong?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

I looked at the book and gulped slightly. A dry, choking gulp as I took the book back, my hand brushing his slightly. I felt a jolt, like electricity shooting through my hand onto his as I took the book back. For a second his eyes changed. Something dark, primal flooding into them.

I pulled it back, feeling it lingering just too long before shoving the book inside my bag. "No, sir. Nothing." I muttered. "accept."

"Speak freely cadet." he nodded at me.

"Well... the Navigation test." I sigh. "I'm just a little nervous I suppose. I've never done a test like that before."

I bite my lip a little and pull my bag further onto my shoulder before looking back at him, the façade of my old felt back up. I smile at him and shrug. "I'll see you tomorrow, Commander."

Just as I got to the door, he spoke up, breaking the silence I was about to leave him in, making me turn back to him hopefully. "I believe you have a ability to succeed in this test, Cadet Fawn." He told me as his eyes shone into mine. "You have the ability to succeed at most things, do not waste your time worrying over the test."

***** Spock *****

She smelled of cinnamon sticks and coffee. I smelt it the second I had walked into the office. Her hair was down, laying down her back. It felt like an agonising lifetime since I had seen her, when I reality it had been a few days. The way her hand brushed mine when she took back her books set me on fire. Glaring at the door she left out of I turned and kicked the wall as hard as I could without breaking a bone- I wouldn't give Leonard McCoy the satisfaction of fixing any bone of mine.

The human girl set my mind on fire, something I had tried to avoid for so long. The second she first arrived in the Language block, the day that she had her coffee taken off her was the day she plagued my mind.

The way she walked... her accent... the way she held no one too close, always keeping them just at arms length... i saw a lot of myself in her, yet she was so different. She was human after all. I rubbed the ack of my hand with my other, contemplating chasing after her and dragging her back in here... Instantly I pushed the thoughts from my mind. Or tried to, at least. The images haunted my mind for weeks now, only recently like this... only since seeing her inside that café. I pushed the thoughts from my head and threw myself into the chair, smelling the familiar scent of cinnamon sticks and coffee filling the air around me. I found myself savouring the scent of her as my mind fell into a deep daze...

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