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The next day I woke with a vengeance. I was going to show that Commander Spock that I gave as good as I got, so instantly, at seven o'clock, i was showered, dressed and I'm the library with a Latte at a computer, various text books around me, beginning the essay that was due in friday. Hours passed and I saw more and more students from Languages come and go in a frantic hurry and flurry of pages and screens, desperate to do their best essay.

The history of the Vulcan Language was a hard subject, one I really wasnt confident on, but after reading for many, MANY hours I had to be. By the time I had written 1000 of the 3500 words he required, I looked at my watch. 9.30am. Just then, the doors opened again. I was always under the impression that no one used a library anymore but I couldn't have been more wrong.. then, I saw who it was.

That Vulcan.

I looked back to my computer screen, desperate to avoid his sight. I didnt want him to see me, I wanted him to think that everything I knew, I knew already, that it wasnt something I had to furiously study for... but luck was never on my side when it came to him it seemed. He seemed to scan the library when he came in, saw a few others from the class- cadet Benjamin, Piper and Tamara and looked over the group, and walked towards the table I was at, praying he hadn't seen me... but of course he had.

I instantly got up from my desk when he headed over, turning around and pretending to busy myself with other work, but it was no use. "Cadet." He said from behind me.

I slowly turned around, the imposing figure staring down at me. "Commander." I say. "I didnt see you there."

"Obviously a lie, Cadet."

"Yeah..." I sigh. There was no point in hiding it, he clearly knew it was. "I was working on your essay actually."

"Was the question too hard for you, cadet?"

I fold my arms. Destiny, don't... "no, I was thinking it was too easy." Destiny!

He didnt waste a second replying to me. "In that case maybe you'll find the next essay more intellectually challenging."

"Next one?" I ask, mouth dry. I already had two from Navigation, a sim test and an exam for Xenobiology in the next few weeks I cant have anymore work I'll drown!

"Of course, Cadet. Did you suppose Languages would be easy? I do hope you prepare well for the test on Friday too, it will count towards your final grade." And with that, he left.

I groan and fall into my chair. Destiny, you're a complete idiot. No, well done. That Vulcan already hates you, why did you have to make it worse by antagonising him? Now you'll have even more work! I saved my work and transferred it to my PADD before heading out, and getting a call from my mother. I groan. Exactly what I needed... I answer it and sit outside the library, putting on a fake smile.. "Hi, mum." I grin.

"Baby!!" She squealed. "Howre you!? Third year now my girls all grown up! Hows it going?"

"Great, great." I say, watching people come and go, not realising Commander Spock was stood rather close to where I sat, marking papers. "Ive been doing an essay actually."

"already?" She gasped. "but you've been in the third year five minutes."

"Yeah, but it's not all bad."

"Is the teacher a bit of a hottie huh?" She smirked..

"I'm not talking about that." I scoff. "And that's not a yes! Hes on the faculty, mother so leave it alone." I saw her hold her arms us in defense before I laugh a little. "Besides, I called him a dickhead already, not the sort of thing you live down easily... especially when he then makes the entire class fo an essay..."

"What did he do to deserve that?" She gasped.

"He did take my coffee on day one, mum and I'd been trying to find the classroom for like, an age." I huff. "But it's done now, and it hardly matters does it? I'm there for Languages so I'll smash whatever essay he sets."

"That's my girl." She grinned. "I best not keep you, dont forget to have fun! Talk to you soon."

"Bye, mum." I sigh as I hang up, putting my head on the table. It was her dream, Starfleet and it slowly became mine too. She was the most loving mother anyone could ever have, and supported you no matter what but sometimes she was full on. Ever since I got into Starfleet, shes been calling me almost every day. I stand up and grab my PADD, just as I turn around, I saw Commander Spock walking off into the distance.

Oh god, how much of my embarrassing mother did he hear...?

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