Disappointing Clubbing and a Destroyed Essay

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The music pulsed through the floor as I stood by the bar. Somehow I knew that this would happen, that i'd be left alone at the bar while K'iara had her way with whoever she found in the club. I sipped on the vodka and lemonade in my hands as yet another guy came over to try and talk to me. 

"Not interested." I say without looking at them. I heard a defeated sigh from him before he disappeared into the crowd. I roll my eyes at the crowd, seeing K'iara surrounded by various people that I assumed that she knew, and a boy that clung to her like mad. I watched as she began to walk over to me, boy following. 

"Desti, this is Peter. I'm going to his tonight, and im leaving like, now so i'll see you tomorrow... maybe..."

"Glad ive made up for all the essay talk, K." I say with a fake smile.

She threw me a peace sign and skipped out of the club with Peter. I sigh to myself and pay for our tab, and that wasn't bloody cheap either, costing over 100. I took my jacket from the clubs door and slung it over my shoulder, checking the time. 2am. brilliant.

I roll myself back to the apartment, seeing papers everywhere. I flopped onto my bed, feeling myself sinking into a dreamless sleep. 

A full week later and it was Friday again and our test results were released via email, and I received a solid 90%. An A... Just an A, and Commander Spock had set yet another impossible essay with what seemed like an impossible due date... which was today. It was 4000 words this time, and I wondered if I had anything to do with that or not... but I had stuck to it exactly, having my title counting as the word count, it read as Vulcan Vocabulary and Synonyms, Destiny A. Fawn.

it was poked into the top of my bag, walking up the stairs with another coffee in my hands, and waving goodbye to K'iara and James Kirk, who was her new 'thing'. Looks like Peter lasted, huh? She did seen to genuinely like him though... and whether I liked him or not was irrelevant. She seemed happy enough so who was I to judge?

Before i headed into the Academy, I found my way to another coffee shop and brought myself a coffee. I hopped up another stair, there was a group of Cadets behind me, lads in their third year I presumed. I walked around a corner just as Commander Spock walked down a flight of stairs, making me walking into his back. "Commander" I say as he turned around, a look that could kill written across his face. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Its quite alright, Cadet." he nodded. 

"Oh, Commander, I got my test grade. An A."

He nods. "I cannot deny your work was satisfactory."

"Satisfactory-!?" Before I could protest anymore, I felt a bunch of bodies pushing passed me. I flew forwards into the Commanders arms as my bag shot across the top of the stairs, coffee following. I watched it helplessly as it crashed onto the floor beside my bag... covering the essay that stuck out of the top. "CADET WILLIAMS, O'CONNEL, HARRISON!" The three instantly stop at the sound of his voice, all apologising and slowly making their way down the hallway in silence. 

Commander Spock let me go, still feeling the touch of his hand on my back and waist. He picked up my bag and then the essay. He handed over the bag but kept hold of the essay, feeling the coffee dripping off the corners of it. "awh." I complain. "I spent hours on that and kept to the word count this time... As least you know I did it, would be a pretty bad excuse if I turned up saying 'the essay was ruined by first years and my coffee.'"

"Correct... But the fact that you need to hand in an unmarked essay. Unblemished, remains." He said. "So I cannot accept this."

I stood there with my mouth open as he passed the essay back. "BULLSHIT" I scoffed. "Sorry, Commander but this is complete ballcrack. You saw what happened to the essay. It was an accident." 

"While that may be the case the fact remains that your essay has been marked and as of now its mostly, unreadable."

He turned to leave, trying to walk around me when I jumped in front of him, blocking his path. He blinked  few times, staring down at me. "Cadet."

"Let me do it again." I say. "Today. After class."


"You've already seen the essay, Commander. I'll do it word for word. You can watch if you like." He blinked a few times, dark eyes looking into my blue ones. They really were something that you could get lost in... I looked down instead, I couldn't keep staring at them. "come on, Commander, let me show you exactly what I can do, Let me prove to you that I can do it. "

He thought for a second. A long second, his deep eyes boring into mine before he said "Okay."

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