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Spock headed to the captains chair behind me as I navigated through the awful space we were in. "Commander, sorry.. captain this is getting harder." I complain as Chekov and I began to struggle with navigating through the debris.

Spock checked in with medbay. "Doctor Puri, report."

Someone replied. "It's McCoy. Doctor...Puri was on deck six. He's dead."

"Then you have just inherited his responsibility as Chief Medical Officer."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."

Chekov checked on the shuttle that held Jim, Pike and Sulu. "Away team is entering the atmosphere, sir. Twenty thousand meters. Approaching the platform at fifty-eight hundred meters.

"Kirk to Enterprise." Jims voice ran across the comms. Distance to target, five thousand meters." They carried on with their distances until Sulu and Jim pilled their cords, parachuting to the ship below... until Oslon didn't pull his. I turned to the comms and got on them, telling him to open them. eventually, when he was 1000 meters from the target, he pulled it.

I watched as suddenly, his life reading disappeared. "Olson is gone, sir." I say as I rub my forehead.

Chekov looked at his monitor. "Kork has landed, sir."

Uhura turned from her communicaton board. " The jamming signal is gone. Transport abilities are reestablished." Jim and Sulu did their job then. I sigh in relief.

"Transporter control is reengaged, sir." I announce

Spock nods. "Chekov, run gravitational sensor, and I want to know what they are doing on the planet."

"Aye commander, ack, Captain. Sorry, Captain."

***** *****

Chekov looked up from his monitor. "Captain, gravitational sensors are off the scale. If my calculations are correct, they're creating a singularity, that will consume the planet." My stomach dropped as I checked his onitor too.He wasn't wrong. They were going to put a black home in the centre of the planet.

"They're creating a black hole at the center of Vulcan?"

"Yes sir."

"How long does the planet have?"

"Minutes, sir. Minutes."

Spock stood up and looked to Uhura. "Alert Vulcan command center to signal a planetwide evacuation on all channels, all frequencies. Maintain standard orbit."

" Where are you going?" She asked him.

" To evacuate the Vulcan High Council. They are tasked with protecting our cultural history and my parents will be among them."

"You cant be serious?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

uhura seemed to agree with me. "Can't you beam them out?"

"It is impossible. They will be in the katric ark. I must get them myself." He turned to Chekov "Chekov, you have the conn."

"Aye. Uh, yay."

"Spock are you mad?" I hiss as I run to the turbolift.

"Not at all, Cadet." he said matter of fact.

"You're going down there!?" I yell. "Alone? You're insane, for someone who cares so much for logic, you're the most illogical person I know. No, you're not going alone. I'm coming with you."

"No." he said as he tried to close the doors. I shove my elbow in between them and push my way in. "No. You're not doing this alone, Spock. If something happened to you down there I'd never forgive myself. Now excuse me if that's wrong, Commander but I'd quite like us to both survive this."

He sighed in defeat, moving so I could get inside. I lean up and kiss his cheek as the doors begin to close, knowing that the crew saw but who cared? I sure didn't. We were in a galactic war now. It wasn't the time for protocol. Spock turned to face me, running a thumb across my lips just as the doors met. "Destiny." He whispered as he kissed me. "T'hy'la."

I put my head of his chest as the turbolift shot down to the transporter room. "I'd rather be down there with you, Spock than up here wondering."

Then, the lift stopped. He put a hand on my arm and nodded, signalling that we needed to get to work. I let out a breath, suddenly rather nervous about the whole thing. Spock and I head into the transporter room, seeing Sulu and Jim arrive on the transporter pads. "Clear the pad. We're beaming to the surface."

"The surface of what? What, are you going down there? Are you nuts? Spock, you can't do that?! Grumpy!? You too?"

"Jim, with all due respect, shut up." I say as I fire up my phaser, kneeling on the pad next to Spock.

"Energize." Spock called.

I watched as Jim called out names as we beamed down to the planets surface. Suddenly I remembered that this would be the first time I would have ever been off Earth. And it would be in a warzone to the Vulcan I loved planet...

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