Kobayaish Maru 2

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I woke up to light flooding into the room from the open curtains. I felt a heavy arm across my shoulders, my other one was clasped in someone else's. My eyes cracked open and met deep brown orbs, loosing themselves in my sapphire ones.

"Good morning." Spock said as he ran a hand up my arm.

"Good morning." I smile back, feeling just as exhilarated as I did last night.

"Thank you." He said quietly. At my confused look he continued. "I am glad I got to share that with you, Destiny. You are truly brilliant."

I feel myself blush under his gaze as he sat up. I noticed a few long scratches across his chest and torso from the night before. I winced when I saw them. He looked down and sniffed in laughter a little, something i truly never expected to see... or hear. "Do not worry, Destiny. I did say it would be intense."

"It looks sore though." I sigh as I run a finger across a particularly long one, running from his ribs to his stomach. I saw him shudder under my touch, taking my hand in his. He kissed it gently before running his own over the large, pretty red bite mark on my collarbone. It hadn't broken the skin, but it was very red and a little sore... but I wouldn't tell him that. "It doesn't hurt." I whisper.

"Good." He smiled as he brought his lips to mine. "And, I hear Kirk is making.you retake the Kobayashi Maru test today?"

I nod slightly. "I have no ides why. I hear the best commander at the academy programmed it, and I doubt Jim could beat that."

A faint smirk covered his lips, a sight I could loose.mtself.in forever. "Come, we need to prepare for the day."

I showered and changed back into my clothes from the previous night, knowing that my housing block was pretty close to here and I needed to change into something else on this fine monday morning. I knew the bite was on full display as I walked into my room, but something about that made me.feel exhilarated.

I snuck into the bathroom and changed into a dark uniform used for testing. The Kobayashi Maru was a test unlike any other and if I had to do it again I'd sure be doing it properly. It covered the bite perfectly and I tried my hair into a light bun, when the door burst open.

"DESTINY ADELE FAWN!" Screeched K'iara. "DID YOU-?"

I slam a hand over her mouth, glaring at her, knowing how thin the walls were and how nosey the second year girls next door were. "A lady never tells, K." I hiss, before letting go and speaking in a normal voice again. "I'll never admit you were right about the crush you know... just that you weren't entirely wrong."

She grinned from ear to green ear. "I knew it. Awh Desti! You humans are so cute when you're in love."

I froze with my mascara brush in hand. She said love. Did I love him? I certainly cared. I certainly felt something unlike anything i had done before. I'd thought I was in love before. Three times, in fact but I had been wrong all three times... maybe she was right. Perhaps it was love...

"I... hadn't thought about it like that." I muttered.

"Hey, Desti." She said as she turned me to face her. "What you did, Vulcans dont take that shit lightly. You did something spectacular together and I think the Commander would be incredibly stupid if he didnt love you."

I smile at her and hug her tight. "You are literally the best, K. I love you."

She grinned and hugged me back. "Love you too now kick ass on that test again yeah? Think Bones is going in as well since I'm not."

***** *****

"We're receiving a distress signal from the USS Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet command has ordered us to rescue them." Uhura said as she turned her chair to Jim. I looked around the simulation room, seeing the small glass area above where Spock and Pike and some other staff were watching.

"Starfleet command has ordered us to rescue them ... captain." Jim smirked. She rolled her eyes at him.and turned to her communications panel.

"Two Klingon vessels have entered the neutral zone and are locking weapons on us." Doc said from behind him, looking at his sensor.

" That's OK."

"That's OK?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

"Pretty sure thats the sort of thing you're meant to worry about Jim sorry, Captain." I muttered.

"Three more Klingon war birds decloaking and targeting our ship. - I don't suppose this is a problem either?" Doc said as he turned to him

Next to me, the second navigator said. "They're firing, captain."

He leaned back in his chair. "Alert medical bay to prepare to receive all crew members from the damaged ship-"

Uhura crossed her arms. "And how do you expect us to rescue them when we're surrounded by Klingons, captain?"

"Alert medical."

I looked up. "Our ship is being hit. Shields at 60%."

"I understand." He said as an alarm sounded out across the simulator.

Doc turned to him. "Should we, I don't know, fight back?"

Suddenly my screen when black, as did all the others. I slapped it a few times and nothing happened. The others in the room had the same issue until suddenly it all came back on.

"Hm. Arm photons. Prepare to fire on the Klingon war birds."

"Yes, sir." The second navigator nods.

"Jim, their shields are still up." Doc told him.

"Are they? Grumpy! What's happening."

"Theyre... not up." I reply in disbelief.

"Fire on all enemy ships. One photon each should do let's not waste ammunition."

I pressed my buttons and locked onto the target on the map. "Target locked an acquired on all war birds. Firing."

I watched the lightshow on the screen until the enemy ship blew up "All ships destroyed, captain." The second said to Jim.

"Begin rescue of the stranded crew- So, we've managed to eliminate all enemy ships, no one on board was injured, and the successful rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew is under way."

I lean back in my chair and rub my forehead. I dont know how he did it, but somehow, he beat the test. James T. Kirk beat Commander Spocks test...

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