The First Big Test

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I sat across from K'iara in the student union, telling her all about Saturday. She was pretty appalled I didnt tell her about it instantly, but with working on assignments and doing various other things that included avoiding seeing her naked with James Kirk, I'd kept her at bay until Wednesday.

I had Commander Spock class in just under an hour, and she had a lecture with McCoy, who had just had a full on conversation about dissecting some vulcan ears. I found the conversation fascinating I supposed...  but K was more interested in the 'coffee date' "I thought you hated him. She smirked, green lips curing into a sadistic grin.

"I do, I did... I dont know, hes not as awful as I expected." I say.

"That's the diplomatic way of saying you wanna screw him-"

"Woah." I gasp loudly. "Who said anything about down belowsies getting involved, K?"

"Oh come on." She scoffed. "Its human biology. Two of the opposite sex... even if hes vulcan apparently... will always lead to more than platonic feelings developing it's natural.”

"Well like you said, hes vulcan." I say rolling my eyes. "And my commander, teaching me Languages there's nothing to it."

"Uh hu." She grinned. "Thats why you're defending it so much, because there's nothing there."

"You're clutching at straws, K." I say,as I shake my head. "Honestly it's kinda embarrassing for you."

"Not as embarrassing as avoiding your feelings, Desti." She said as she stood up. "Just think, you wanna screw him, you've got a crush."

"Go away."

"Cruuuuush" she sung

"K'iara." I warn

"C R U S H-" I hit her with my bag so many times she fell onto the chair laughing.

"The only thing embarrassing here is you and your big mouth, K." I huff as I slung my bag on my shoulders. "See you later, class is starting soon."

As I walked out of the union building and towards the Language block, I couldn't help but think about what she said. It was ridiculous. He was so.... so logical which was also his favourite word by FAR, and cold and emotionless that he'd never feel the same way back no matter how I felt. I shake my head and open the door, seeing the familiar classmates heading up the stairs to the language lab.

We had the test today. The one that counted so highly to the end grade. I wasnt nervous... until I remembered it and knew I hadn't studied... my Navigation classes had been really intense this week and I was averaging a B in that overall, and I wouldn't accept anything less than an A...

I had my Languages text book in my had as I headed up the stairs, not looking where I was going, before I almost- again- walked into someone's back. I looked up and then noticed that he was facing forwards. Slowly, I looked up, meeting his eye... It was Commander Spock. “Cadet. Last minute cramming will not help you, as many, many studies have shown.”

“Not cramming.” I lie smoothly. “I like to think of it as refreshing.”

He nods slightly. “Of course, Cadet. Don't be late, the eam starts in exactly 20 minutes! The doors are locked five minutes before.”

I close my book and run after him, there was no way I was going to be locked out of my first real exam with Commander Spock. I watched the orange autumn leaves falling through the window. It was late October, October the 30th to be exact.

Soon, I was sat inside the exam hall, and there was another person watching us taking the exams. I smiled brightly when I saw that person was Doctor Leonard McCoy. "Fawn." He grinned when I walked in. "You'll be great i've seen your work, dont worry about the green blooded, hobgoblins test."

i raised an eyebrow at him and how he referred to the commander, who didn't seem to care or if he did, he didnt show it... but then being Vulcan he wouldn't would he? "thanks, Doc." I smile as I take my place behind the desk.

"You have exactly three hours and ten minutes to answer all questions in full. Only use black ink. Cadets your time begins... now."

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