Kobayashi Maru

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I avoided Spock's gaze as I walked into the training room. It was time for another test. The Kobayashi Maru. I was teamed up with Jim Kirk who was the captain (I was so shocked to find that out, I thought that that was a mistake if I ever heard one), another girl called Uhura who was on Communications, a guy also on navigation, K'iara was the science officer and I was the second navigator, responsible for phasers and plotting secondary courses.

I sat in my chair and span it around to face Jim who grinned. "Who'd have thought we'd end up on a ship together huh, grumps?"

"Excuse me?" I scoff.

"Grumps." He shrugged. "'cause you always look grumpy to me."

I fold my arms and raise an eyebrow, seeing Spock staring down into the simulator followed by Commander Pike, and Doc, too, with some other professors I didn't know. I avoided his gaze before turning back to my panel. Uhura smiles over a Jim and he sends her a coy look back, making me frown a little more. That was more than friendly, I was sure of it... what about K'iara? I shake my head, knowing that I didn't need to be thinking about this right now. K'iara hadn't seemed to be bothered by it, nor was she talking to Jim... had something happened? I'd been so preoccupied with the Spock stuff that I hadn't really paid her much mind lately and I felt terrible about that.

I couldn't dwell on it though, as an announcement from Pike came over the speaker. "Okay everyone to stations, good luck the test commences in three... two... one... go."

Ten minutes in and Jim was pretty rubbish at it. We had been hit so many times by these enemy ships and he kinda shrugged at our suggestions. "Shields at 40%, captain." I say as I fire another phaser. If I were him I'd cut my losses and evacuate the ship if I could. We were all going to die at this rate.

"Setting course to 45.6 degrees west." The guy next to me said as I followed suit, turning the ship to face away from the enemy.

"Suggest a tactical retreat, captain." I say.

"No we need to finish them off." Jim told us. "Casualties?"

"60 dead, James sorry, Captain." Glared K'iara. "And counting."

And on it went, until finally we were blown to pieces, and receiving a lecture about teamwork and team hierarcy and structure. I shoved myself out of the chair. Just what I needed, to fail the test Spock himself created. I push the doors to the simulator open, shoving passed Pike and Spock as I did. I even had Spocks class next... it was going to be hell I knew it.

I angrily head up the stairs and towards the language lab, pushing open the door and finding a few people in there already. I three myself into my chair and took my latest essay out. It would be dreadful, I knew that but I wasnt going to admit to him that the 'almost kiss'affected me so much that I had stopped trying in my essays for him. Who was I trying to impress anyway? A Vulcan who's job it was to make.my life hell? He did a good job at that alright.

The door opened again and I felt the familiar presence around me. Parker turned his attention to Spock, as did everyone else while I tried to look anywhere but him, the memories of the test still in my mind. We failed, but I did by bloody best and when I left here I'd be leaving as the best navigator the academy has ever seen and that would be something that would make my mother proud for sure.

Class dragged on, avoiding his gaze proved harder than I expected and the second it ended I threw everything into my bag, ignoring the call of 'Cader Fawn' from Commander Spock as I made my way out of the Language Labs and towards my home...

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