Halfway Grades

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I woke up feeling exhilarated, like I always did recently. I hadn't told K'iara about what happened, mainly because nothing else has since... but the glances during classes and the way he looked at me when I walked passed him in the hallway had definitely changed. Today was the day our halfway grades were released, the grades we were at for all subjects and all the classes within those subjects. I was so excited to get my grades that I woke K'iara up early to go to the Student union to find our grades out... I told myself it had nothing to do with Spock being there, which he definitely would be.

I pulled on some red coloured jeans, dark denim top and a jacket, seeing K'iara in a tight-fitting black dress, still determined to get over James, which I wasn't sure that she was. I grabbed my bag and my PADD before running out of the door with her trailing behind.

"Why are you so excited?" She huffed, rather annoyed I woke her up at 8am on a Saturday. "I honestly will never understand humans."

"Aren't you the least bit excited to find out how you're doing? You'll see all the grades for all your subjects-"

"Yeah yeah you sound just like Bones." She huffed.

I link my arm through hers once we reach the student union building, heading to Spock's table first to get my grade for his subject. "Cadet." He nods as he hands me my paper.

"Commander." I smile as I turn it over, seeing a grade average of 93%. An A. I looked at the subjects inside Languages. I received a 96% in Vulcan, and then a 90% in Klingon.

I looked to K'iara who rolled her eyes, whispering in my ear "Just root him already, the air was so damned thick I thought I was gonna pass out-"

I elbow her hard and drag her across to Doc's table. He was handing out the Xenobiology results, as well as her medical ones. "Good luck." He smirked as I stared down to my card. Human Biology- 85%, Vulcan Biology- 83%, Klingon Biology- 98% and finally, cellular structures in organisms- 91%. It came to 89.25%. I stared down at it. For him, that was still an A. and a good A, his A's started at 80%. I heard K'iara let out a laugh squeal. "I GOT 92% DESTI OH MY GOD-!"

"Glad you came now, huh?" She grinned and wrapped me into a giant hug, pulling me off my feet and kissing my cheeks happily. I could never understand Orion affection. I had never really a hugger but she certainly was. She dropped me, quickly saying something about having to talk to her classmates and showing them her result, and how much better she was doing since dropping Jim. Before I could head to the Navigation table, doc stopped me. "Hey, I doint know if you've spoken to Jim lately but hes trying to get you guys to retake the Kobayashi Maru test."

I frown. "But we failed-"

"He thinks it was unfair. Will you do it? It wont count against your grade if you do."

I sigh. "Commander Spock designed that test, Doc. I don't think anyone could pass it but the Commander himself."


I rub my head. "I suppose, only to show Jim its impossible to beat it."

He grinned at me as I roll my eyes and go to the final table: Navigation. My professor handed me over my card. Advanced Navigation- 97% Astrophysics-90% Advanced Star Chart Mapping- 86%. I got 91%. Another A.

I stared at the three cards. I had completed half the final year with an A? I smiled to myself, feeling the rush of people coming and going from around me, then, I heard my PADD's email alert ring out. I pull it from my bag and smile a big, stupid grin when I saw the name C.SPOCK on the top.

Please meet me in the faculty office in the Languages block at 1100hrs as a matter of some urgency.

I wondered what could be wrong. I turned to his table and saw he was gone already. I dropped K'iara a quick email, making my excuses that I had to leave but telling her the good news that I had got an in all my subjects.

I pull my bag onto my shoulder as I speed-walk across the campus towards the language block, pushing my way inside. I glance into the downstairs office but don't see him, so I assumed he had to be in the top one. Jumping up two stairs at a time I arrived 5 minutes early. I knock on the door and a second later it opened. "Commander spock I-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence as he pulled me in, closing the door and crushing my body against it, kissing me fiercely. I gasp, him taking this opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, running his hands through my hair before instantly pulling back, an alarmed look on his face. "I am sorry, Destiny. I-"

I pull him back down and kiss him, feeling myself melt into his arms as they wrapped around my back. He pulled back slightly, kissing the tip of my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He must have felt that, because the next thing I knew his hand had drifted up the back of my shirt, making its way to my front, resting on my stomach. His lips made their way down my next as he said "Can I show you something?"

"Show me...?" I frowned as he put his hands on either side of my head. "I don't understand."

"Its called a mindmeld." He told me. "Something very intimate to Vulcans, something not done lightly... it might hurt at first, but if you don't fight it it'll be easier."

the thought of doing something intimate to him- to Vulcans with him- made me tingle from head to toe. "Do it." I breathe.

He smiled at me. "Relax yourself, Destiny. let yourself go." I close my eyes as his fingers rest on either side of my head, his forehead touching mine, feeling him delve into my thoughts. His mind combed through mine like fingers through long grass, picking every little thing apart. it hurt. God, it hurt like nothing i'd ever felt before. Then I saw it. his life. His father, his mother... their faces inside my mind. I saw him at school as a child beating the absolute shit out of another who insulted his mother. I watched as he aged, I watched him turn down the Vulcan's and joining Starfleet. I saw everything i'd ever seen, everything he ever remembered and then I saw me. Us. In return, he saw my life. He saw my parents, he saw me at my fathers funeral when I was 10 years old. He saw my mother get turned down from Starfleet time and time again until he saw me getting accepted almost exactly three years ago. He saw me meeting him, coffee in hand and then saw me complaining day in and day out to K'iara. He saw K'iara tell me I had a crush, and my denial until we kissed.

He pulled back, my mind feeling totally empty the second he left, still resting his forehead against mine. "I had no idea about your father, Destiny."

"he died during an accident in an engineering factory just outside my hometown. He use to work on starships until he met my mother and then he spent his time building things for them." I say as I meet his eye. "It was a long time ago, Spock... but I miss him." I knew he probably couldn't, or would he tell me that he understood. But it didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that I was here, with him, and i'd sut had one of the best experiences of my entire life...

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