fell into a trap.

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You ran. You ran as hard as possible as long as she didn't catch you you would be fine..... right?

You smiled at your sister. She had just done some stuff with the bird studio thingemebobs and now had enough time pieces to enter her bedroom. Your little soster ran to the control panel. "Boop!" Hat kid looked over the small balcony at you. "Look [Y/N] now we can enter the bedroom!!" She smiled sweetly with a sparkle in her eye making you laugh. "Yes we can." You walked over to the door as it automatically opened noticing your presence. "I'm checking the place out you stay here till i come back." You looled sternly at hat kid as she giggled and nodded. The little girl was always up to some kind of trouble. Which is why after meeting mustache girl was it? Either way after meeting her you decided that you'd check all the places out before she'd go to do her 'saving the world' stuff. She was a rather brave girl for a 10 year old. You pressed the button on the telescope in the room which would teleport you

You fell harshly on you back. That was new. The other places would let you teleport into a standing position. You waved your hands trying to forget the pain. Until you saw your surroundings. It was a rather dark forest. The color scheme being sometimes colorfull but mostly dark purple, dark blue and black. "What is this place?...." you mumbled sitting up. As you sat up you took more notice of your surroundings. Two things caught your eye. Behind you was a tree with a huge thorn circling around it. After looking up you also noticed there was a whole parcour set up to somewhere. The thing that mostly caught your eye in the tree was.... the fact there was furniture inside. Seeming to be someone's house. You raised your eyebrow. 'Why would you want a house with no door?' The other thing that caught your eye was in front of you. It was a small creauture half your size. It had one that was glowing and it was cutely giggling. "Hey um..... ma'm or sir? Can i ask where the hell i am?" It ran. It damn it ran away from you. "Hey wait up!" You ran after it until. You felt yourself being hoisted up

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now