i promise

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Hat kid had done as you said. And what you were greeted by was terrifying.

The world had changed from such a colorful place to a place of destruction. And lava don't forget the lave that's literally everywhere.

The two of you walked down the road not bothering to get a ticket. Everyone you had ever met was there. Everyone

"Snatcher moonjumper what happened?" You ran up to the two as they snapped their attention to you.

Hat kid follow you and sqealed slightly when snatcher pulled you into a bear hug.

"[Y/N] i thought i lost you! Are you okay?" He said worry in his tone.
"I'm fine really. What happened?"

"We really don't know. We just kind of teleported here." Moonjumper started.

"[Y/N] hat kid. Find whoever  did this and. Punch them. Punch them for me. Punch them right in the face. Got that?" You giggled slightly as snatcher peppered your face with slightly worried kisses.

"This isn't the time for teeth rotting sweetness snatcher"


You sighed as snatcher put you down.

"We'll punch them for you boss!" Hat kid said punching the air.
"Call me snatcher, hat kid" you smiled at snatcher.

Tooth rotting sweet in the weirdest moments. Eh that's why you love him right?

You and hat kid ran towards the doors. "hey [Y/N]?"


"Promise we will be okay after this?
That we'll stay on this planet after this?..."

You smiled sweetly at your sister

"I promise"

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now