he cares huh?

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Waking up to snatcher right in your face was something you didn't imagine would happen to you. Yet here you were stuck in his arms. Your headache from earlier was still there but it wasn't as noticable.

You wondered if your sister was already home. Your question was answered when she stormed in to the room. You chuckled at her confused yet angry expression

Sometimes you wondered if you were secretly the younger sister with the way she acted sometimes.


Snatcher chuckled. "Language hattie" she pouted. Was he awake the whole time?

Speaking of the ghost he looked at you to see if you were awake. When he found out you were he picked you up and brought you out of your room

Geuss you were wrong. Someone could drag you out your room.
You smiled slightly though you quickly frowned when you started shivering.

Snatcher took notice as he summoned a big fluffy blanket and wrapped it around you.

Your shivering became less but you were still a little cold. Maybe the fact that you weren't wearing propper clothes to vanessa's had a say in this.

You closed your eyes. Why were you so comfortable in his arms? He did have your soul. And he could kill you at any given moment.

You decided to talk to him about it later. Hat kid saw how comfortable you were and smirked. "You know for a soul stealing ghost your quite nice to the two of us" hat kid said.

"What? I... i do this with every contractor. Shove off!" He said. Hat kid and you just missed the glowing yellow heu on his face.

"Can i have my food now?" You whispered. "Pffft way to ruin the moment [Y/N]" hat kid said making you giggle. "You kids talk to much."

"Shut up!" You said back to the ghost with a playful tone. "See?! That's what i mean!" He laughed at you pouting.

"There you are!" You looked around to find who the voice belonged to until you saw a cat in a chef outfit.

"I heard you were sick. I made some soup for you. It's in the kitchen. Thanks for alarming me hat kid!" Hat kid smiled back at the cat as snatcher floated the two of you towards the kitchen.

"Now that we're away from those two." The ghost got cut off from hat kid's yelling. "I'll see what the hell is going on." He used his magic to set the soup in a bowl and then put you on the counter before floating away.

"Why is he acting like this now? Is he just getting me ready for my next contract?" You muttered. Yeah no connection att all right?

*le timeskip brought to you by sir. Techinacally-not-in-the-game*

*with the noodle boy*

There he was. Sitting in his chair back in his forest. He had left [Y/N] alone after they fell asleep again.

He kept wondering what drove him to go after hat kid told him they were sick.

Was it truly love? Or was it just wanting the contracts to get done? Did he have a need to just kill them now?

Why was he so tempted to stay with them?

He groaned snapping his book closed and slamming it onto the table.
What the peck was wrong with him?!

He sighed before floating up to the top of his home where he could stargaze. It was one of the few things he still liked to do after his death. It was rather relaxing to.

He couldn't shake them out of his head!

When he reached the top all thoughts of [Y/N] vanished though as he saw a, sadly, familiar sight


She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now