a child and a ghost (2/2)

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Snatcher floated towards his new ally. Ready to talk to him about...ahem.. he wasn't ready to talk about memories.
But atleast talking about what they had to do was oke.

"I see you've come to talk." Moonjumper said chuckling.

"Correct me if i'm wrong but. Did i hear you talk about that contractor of yours?" Moonjumper smirked at the obvious blush on snatcher's face.

"You should confess ya know?"

"Why should i? We barely know eachother they'll definitely reject me" snatcher replied crossing his arms.

"Because i know a little something!~" moonjumper twirled smirking at the curious ghost.

"Fine i'll play your game. What do you know?" Snatcher said trying to hide his curious tone.

"The subconites are claiming their aura feels like their one of them." Snatcher blushed at the statement.

Damn they must feel close to him then.

"Let's d-discuss important matters now" Snatcher said trying to change the subject. Moonjumper smirked at snatcher's embaressed tone and stuttering.

"[Y/N] is important to you" Snatcher groaned face palming. He was right. [Y/N] was important to him.

"Now vane-" snatcher stopped mid sentence when he heard giggling.
The worst about it was

That he knew it

He had heard it before

The giggles from a certain

Hatted child

"HAT KIIIID!" He screamed floating towards the sound in a un-ghostly speed.

When he heard the sudden squeak and saw her head poking out of the bushes his theory was confirmed.

"Come back here!" Snatcher went towards the running child trying to cath the problematic child.

"Help me!" Hat kid screamed flailing her arms.

Moonjumper put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing at the sight. A child out running snatcher. Beautiul sight.

His laughter broke out sooner or later causing snatcher to stop and look at him.

"You ignorant little brat come here!" He said starting to chase after moonjumper to.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" A voice yelled. One familiar to snatcher and hat kid. Snatcher's eyes widened as he looked up to see his theory confirmed.

"[Y/N] hi heh h-how are you?" Snatcher giggled nervously.

"Who the hell are you?!" You said ignoring snatcher.

Snatcher sighed heavily looking around before his eyes caught the infamous hat kid.

The child noticed the ghost staring. She smirked and gave him a thumbs up making snatcher blush.

Suddenly the king of subcon was jn front of you.

"[Y/N] come with me"

You sighed thinking you didn't have much of a choice. When you nodded he picked you up bridal style making you yelp and blush.

*small timeskip brought to you by the fact that i'm considering making a snatchmoon book*

It was quite a beautiful place he had brought you to. It was a small field with some flowers and only few trees.

He carefully sat you down before looking you dead in the eyes.

"[Y/N] i need to tell you something"

We 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 cliff 👏🏻 hangers



Should i make that snatchmoon book tho?

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now