snow falls

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"Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" Moonjumper looked at you.

"How do you?- whatever but if your thinking the crazy woman then yes we are thinking the same thing." You answered. You'll ask how he knows later.

"Oh subcon. This isn't gonna go well" moonjunoer put hat kid on her feet paranoia taking him.

"Hat kid leave it's dangerous." You said quickly looking at her.

"Why is it dangerous? It's just some snow." She said trying to walk forward when Moonjumper stopped her.

"But it's not just snow!" He said picking the girl up again. "It's not normal! Just get out of here!" Mj fiddled with hattie's teleporter as hattie was silent.

"He's right you know." You sighed as hattie started to tear up. She raised her hands seeming to ask you for a hug.

You picked her out of mj's hands and she started crying into your shoulder. "If it's so dang-" she sniffled. "Dangerous come with me..." she said hugging you.

"It's oke hattie. I'll be fine." You reassured her.

"No that's actually a good idea"


"No really. I know what happened. And now your with snatcher. That woman is out for you" Moonjumper said. Since when was he this serious?

"I'm not leaving. I need to help you." You said stubbornly.

"I'm not gonna be able to change your mind am i?" You shook your head as moonjumper groaned.

"Fine fine. Hat kid?"

Hattie hickupped as she clutched your shirt (or whatever the hell your wearing). "You promise you'll be okay?" She said looking up at you.

"I'll be fine"


Hat kid smiled slightly as she teleported to her space ship.

"Just you and me bitch. Don't do something when you know it'll make the other vengeful."

"I uh actaully. It's more than just you. It's uh"

"shut up and let me have my moment peck neck."

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now