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You woke up due to a crashing sound.

You looked around after noticing you weren't with snatcher anymore. Nor were you even in subcon forest.

You found yourself in a black room. There were eyes glowing in the corner. Red eyes.

Out of the shadows on the other side came 2 little girls. One with blonde hair and mustache? And the other brown hair with a... hat.

You reconized them immediatly.

Mustache girl and hat kid.

They both had bruises on multiple spots on their body's.

They didn't see you. Didn't hear you.

Hearts came flying towards hat kid as they started to fight.

Soon they faded away.
You looked back to the eyes to see they weren't there anymore.

Your sight went black.

'Save me'

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now