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I'm really out here making chapters even though i should be sleeping


Choatic week? Yes very much.

It had been atleast 3 days since the whole vanessa thingy and it's been hectic.

Multiple shields have been put up around vanessa's area. Maybe snatcher sneaked in a few to keep you out at all costs.

Snatcher gave hat kid and you your souls back. Snatcher said he put some kind of protection on your souls.

Was it linked to the shields? HECK YES

You stopped dead in your tracks.

A small layer of snow was in front of you. You looked around in fear realizing it had been snowing.

Suddenly you felt hands on your shoulders. And you screamed. It's the logical thing to do.

"[Y/N] woah woah calm down it's just me." You put you hand over you chest where you could feel your heart punding. You relaxed immediatly when you heard his surprisingly soothing voice.

"NOT FUNNY SNATCHER" You screamed throwing your hands in the air.

"Sorry sorry i just wanted to keep you safe." Your heart melted at the statement. And then you came back to the world.

You screamed throwing oh sorry yeeting  yourself onto snatcher.

"Damn am i happy i don't have those ear thingy's to pop because you are damn loud. Oh by the way. Don't worry it's natural"

You were shaking in his embrace obviously scared. "Natural? You promise?"

"I'm pretty sure it's natural. But i'll stay close to you just in case" you nodded slightly.

"Can i stay with you today?" His face lightened up. "Of course! I can summon a tv and we can watch netflix togheter!"

"How do you- whatever. Sounds like fun." Snatcher nodded as if he was a kid about to get cookies or something.

Short but i have to go sleep ha- it's nearly freddy time for me (12 am)

Have a good day/night ya'lls!

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now