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"Snatcher i swear i'm fine!" You said trying to push said ghost off you.

"You super sure?" He said with a worried tone. "Yes!" He sighed putting you down. "Fine"

"What's my first contract?" You said a little to excited. Snatcher grinned at your excitement.

"Well kiddo- don't call me that -your first contract is easy since you were sick." He said annoyed at your interuption.

"I just need you to check on the village and see if there's any ice."
He said pointing to the village

"Pfft boring!" You said crossing your arms.

"Don't be like this now [Y/N]" he sneered. You yelped slightly as his face got closer to yours.

"Fine fine! Don't get so close to me!" His frown went unnoticable to you as he quickly smirked again. "Good!"

You signed the contract that appeared muttering something along the lines of 'damned guy being to good with this stuff'.

"Good job kid! Now get going. You don't wanna keep me waiting" he said pushing you a bit towards the village.

"Peck you!" You screamed at him.

"Didn't expect anything less [Y/N]!" he screamed back at you laughing.

You giggled slightly before following the path towards the village.

*le timeskip brought to you by. My LaMe FnAf ThEoRiEs*

You sighed taking your third look around. You didn't wanna miss any ice. He might get mad ya know?

You took in the sight of the village once more. Was it possible for a dark place to seem so unique and beautiful?

You smiled seeing only a few bits of ice. You walked up to one of the subconites wanting to start a conversation.

"Oh hey newbie! I saw you checking around. Is there something bad happening?..." their voice got a bit quiet towards the end

"Not that i know of no. Why?"
You said getting curious.

"No reason." It responded.

And thus the two of you started making conversation. Eventually a few more of the subconites got into it and started talking to you to.

"Hey i just realised i never asked your names"

And that caused silence to fall over all of you.

"We uhm we don't have names." One replied obviously nervous.

"You don't? How do you know who's who?" You asked confusion present on your face.

"Well we kind of have these aura's. Every one of them is different" said the subconite next to you.

They could still see how confused you were. "Here i'll tell you yours!" One said before closing their eyes seeming deep in thought.

"Well your aura is definetely different from ours." They started.

"It's cheerful reminds me of sunshine, fresh breaked bread in the morning, cozy nights in the winter. That kind of stuff." They said. And if they could smile they would have the widest grin right now.

You looked up in thought trying to understand. You smiled slightly.

"What's Snatcher's aura?" You said smirking.

"Oh oh oh! Sitting by the fire place on a silent night!" One said

"Smell of old books"

"A field to relax!"

"The smell of bacon."

The last one made all of you burst out in giggles.

After it died down you asked your last question

"What does it feel like now?"  You smiled at the subconites

"Like your one of us kid."

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now