special : riddles and giggles.

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[A/N] : hello! I kinda need a bit of insparation to go on with the main story. I also need to start my other books up again. Updates may become a teeny weenie bit slower. So have this one-shot!


"Oh your gonna hate this one!"

Snatchet raised his brow at you and smirked. "Do tell"

"What always ends something?" You said smirking.

"Easy. death." He said smiling at you.

"The letter g" you said before bursting out with laughter at snatcher's confused face.

"The letter g? W-what?" Snatcher had visible confusion on his face.

"The word something ends with g." You said between laughter.

"Oh my god that's so dumb" he said face palming. You laughed even more.

He raised his brow at you before smirking. "two can play that game"

"What gets bigger the more you take away?" He giggled as you stopped your laughter to think.

"A hole?" You said smirking when snatcher's eyes widened. "Didn't think you'd get that one" he sighed before laughing. "Give me another."

"If you have me, you will want to share me. If you share me you will no longer have me. What am i?"

Snatcher thought about it for a second and then sighed. "I don't know. What is it?" He said.

"A secret" you started. "And you wanna know a secret?" He nodded slightly.

You walked over to your boyfriend and sat in his lap. "I love you." You whispered in what would have been his ear.

He groaned blushing a bit. "That's not a secret. But i love you to" and with that he started cuddling you.

"I really love you my queen."


PFFF i came up with this while watching lwa-
Anyway please give me some ideas-

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now