not just a dream

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"I promise"

The door slammed shut behind you and you walked down the hall. You were determined to win this.

Who ever you were facing.


You stared blankly at the course before you.

"Well what are you waiting for? Come on!" You snapped out of your thoughts as hat kid dragged you along.

She dragged you along the firstfew steps. She let go of your hand. You fell to the ground but quickly got up as other wise. You'd have a. Pretty hot death. And not in a good way.

(Snatcher : press E to doubt)

You slipped.

You nearly fell into the the lava as you yelped. Hat kid ran over to the edge screaming your name.

(F in the chat)

Just as you thought the co-warm hands of death would take you you felt arms wrap around you.

You were hoisted up back to the platform. When you looked down you saw purple blackish sparkles.

"Snatcher" you whispered smiling. Hat kid looked at you confused but went along with it as you two continued.

~timeskip brought to you byyyyy snatcher questioning his life decisions in a box of noodles~

Eventually you reached huge doors.

Hat kid pointed towards one of the pictures.

'Mu' you thought slightly disgusted. You weren't even mad at the girl herself. You were mad at the people who damaged her so much to do this. All of this.

The door opened by itself letting the two of you in. Your eyes widened

You woke up due to a crashing sound.

Out of the shadows on the other side came 2 little girls. One with blonde hair and mustache? And the other brown hair with a... hat.

You reconized them immediatly.

Mustache girl and hat kid.

They both had bruises on multiple spots on their body's. .

Hearts came flying towards hat kid as they started to fight.


She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now