your contract

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You started squirming. You were caught in a fricking trap! You had gotten hoisted up by a blanket stuck to some ropes and now your dangling high in the air. Dang you could probably see the top of the tree from here. You started feeling claustrophobic until you heard bats flying all around the place you were stuck in... and it ripped apart.

You were screaming as you fell you closed your eyes waiting for the impact of your fall. Yet it never came. You slowly opened your eyes when you heard some music. You reconized it as jazz but you weren't sure. However you soon regretted opening your eyes as you yelped.

"HAHAHAHHAHAHA FOOOOOOOOOLLLL" you covered your ears. "You think you can step into my forest without my permission?!" You eyes widened as he threw you down. Lucky for you you were already being held close to the ground. Making the fall hurt less. "Well you thought wrong! Lucky for you though. I'll let you live! Buuut there is a small catchhhh." The figure smirked wickedly at you. You were to scared to look around to know where you were. So you just sat there examining the figure before you. He was at least ten times your size. He was a purplish black. He had to big glowing gold eyes and a glowing gold mouth. He didn't have legs but something that looked like a tail. And his arms were rather big and they looked reallyyyy bendy (FORESHADOWING FOR ANOTHER FIIIIC HEHEHEH). "Tell ya what kid." You looked back up to meet the figure's eyes. "I'll let you live as long as you do a few... tasks for me..." with that the figure roled out a contract. The thing that immediatly caught your eye was 'YOUR SOUL'. "Sign it or die kid. Don't make this hard." You gulped as you slowly picked up the feather pen and signed the contract. The figure immediatly pulled the contract away when you were done. "[Y/N] huh? Well kid! Looks like we've got a deal"

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now