happiness before a storm

911 18 10

Saying you weren't confused was a lie. HOW THE PECK DID SHE KNOW?!

"What the?" And with that the two figures in front of you started laughing

You'd go as far as saying they were dying from laughter. No [Y/N] that was a bad pun.

"You know i'm glad you got togheter. Cause you could say i." Hat kid gestured to the sky where you could faintly make out your spaceship.

"Ship you two" she smirked.

No oke that was a terrible pun.

"HAT KID THAT WAS TERRIBLE" you screamed which made hat kid laugh and run. You chased after her quickly.

MJ started laughing harder at the sight. "PECK YOUUUUU" she screamed to you.
you said pulling out a umbrella and running towards MJ.

"JESUS! HELP ME" He screamed before flying up. "Oh right this is something i can do. HA CAN'T CATCH ME PECK NECK" He screamed to you before his eyes widened.

You had equipped that beautiful laser badge.

"I won't hesitate bitch" You said raising the umbrella up. "Language" MJ said crossing his arms

"Says the one who called me a peck neck." You grinned as you started the lasers up.

"I-I'LL COME DOWN! D-DON'T DO IT!" he screamed at you pushing hos hands in front of him before quickly floating down.

"Good job! Now i'll have mercy on you." You started putting the umbrella down.

He sighed in relief slightly before his eyes widened in playful fear.

"Oops did i say i'll give you mercy? I only meant some mercy" you said before screaming and trying to pounce on the guy.

"No!" He said diving away. "Yes!" You said trying to jump on him again.

"MJ You got this!" Hat kid said waving her hands around. "Thanks kid!" He said pointing at hat kid.

"Come here!" You said as you succesfully jumped on him.

"Ah!" He screamed falling on the floor with you on top.

"Gotcha!" You laughed out.
"Oh noes! I have been captured! Help me hat kid!" He laughed before teleporting away from underneath you making you, yes you, face plant into the ground.

"WHAT THE?! BITCH COME BACK HERE!" You screamed looking to the floating figure.

"Alright what's with all the screaming?!"

Three heads snapped towards the voice

"Heeeeey snatcher. How ya doing buddy?" Hat kid said laughing nervously.

I was quite a sight.

You with a red face were holding yourself up from the ground with your elbows as you had your mouth shut.

Hat kid was sweating as if in a childrens cartoon as she pointed finger guns at the ghost while nearly falling over trying not to laugh.

And moonjumper was floating in a ahem questionable pose his arms were up as if being threatened to get shot and was like hat kid sweating. His face screamed betrayel by own voice.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Snatcher said crossing his arms.

"They started it!" Moonjumper said pointing at you. Hat kid nodded giggling.

"No i pecking didn't!" You screamed back.

Snatcher chuckled looking at you.
"Language" he said smiling fondly at you.

"PFFTT EVERYONE IS AGAINST ME TODAY" you screamed letting yourself fall onto your face.

"No really. What happened?"

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now