she's here she's there she's everywhere

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[A/N] : WHO YOU GONNA CALL? PHYSIC FRIEND FREDBEAR. Oml i've had that stuck in my head for so long


"No really. What happened?"

"They knew about us and started teasing meh." You said pointing at the duo of a hatted child and a soul...ghost thing yeah.

"No we didn't!" Hat kid stuck her tongue out at you doing a sassy pose.

"Who do you think i will believe quicker kid?"


"Exactly espescially with that attitude of yours." He sighed laughing a bit.

You pouted realizing he was quite amused at the situation.

"That's no-"

"Boss boss boss! SNATCHER!" a minion ran up to the four of you.

"It's vanessa she was nearing the village!" He said pointing in the direction he mentioned. You didn't quite hear the minion.

"SHE WHAT?! [Y/N] HAT KID STAY HERE. I'll take care of the ice bitch." He said clenching his fists before floating away.

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooo.

"Come on!" Hat kid took your hand running after the ghost.
"Hattie! He clearly told us to stay!"

"Do you want to stay though?"


"That's right come on"

Damn this child you thought chuckling. "If he catches us i'll put 100% of the blame on you." You said picking your sister up.

"Eh i can deal with that. Mj ya coming."

"Of course dumbo!" He said snapping out of his daze and floating towards you.

"Let's ruin this party!" Hat kid screamed pulling you tpwards the village.

"It's not exactly a party hattie." You said smiling. "It is now!" She responded grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh my lord both of you are idiots." Moonjumper said picking hat kid up making her lose her grip on you.

"What did i ever do to you?!" You screamed raising your arms.

"You jumped on me"

"That jump was reasonable!"

"Whatever ya say.... idiot"

You slapped him on his back making him shriek. "What did do to you?!"

"You called me a idiot." You smirked taking hat kids hand she had gotten out of moonjumper's grip.

"No my little sister now!" He said slapping your hand away. "Can we focus on following snatcher?"

"NO "

"YES "

hat kid facepalmed. Why did she do this again?

The three of you snapped out of your conversation as the air became colder.

You saw some snow on the ground. It wasn't natural. It was colder than natural snow and harder to. You knew it. You stepped in it before.

"C-can we turn back?" You asked looking around for that woman. You were certain this was her snow. Snatcher told you the difference in both aura and feel.

He had told you it couldbe natural. It was a rare occurence but every nve in a while there would be snow and it didn't even have to be winter. But this.

It wasn't natural.

No it was vanessa's snow

She came from outer space (Snatcher x reader)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now